php/mysql display data in row and column php/mysql display data in row and column hb25 (Programmer) (OP) 1 Mar 09 10:15. " . Let's say we want to display whatever is in the first column of each row. This code will convert (pivot) your MySQL database table from rows to columns. Below is the table used for this example. Select my_Row1=max(isnull(case when rn=1 then mob_no end, ' ')), my_Row2=max(isnull(case when rn=2 then mob_no end, ' ')), my_Row3=max(isnull(case when rn=3 then mob_no end, ' ')), my_Row4=max(isnull(case when rn=4 then mob_no end, ' ')), my_Row5=max(isnull(case when rn=5 then mob_no end, ' ')) from ( Select top 5 RN=ROW_NUMBER OVER (order by mob_… Deleting MySQL data using PHP. I this tutorial, we're gonna insert sample products. $col_class = 'col-sm-4'; // Column class name. The data is displayed through the PHP and AJAX on the page after database connectivity. That means row[0] should be the number while row[1] would be the customer. 3 Sem . $container_class = 'container-fluid'; // Parent container class name. You could try associative array fetch. The above code finds the sum from the column_name column from the table. Inserting Data into our Database Next is to insert sample data into our database. $row = $db-> fetchRow ($res, MDB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED); /* $row will contain: array ( 0 => , 1 => , 2 => ) */ // Access the data with: $id = $row [0]; $name = $row [1]; $email = $row [2];?> The information will be displayed in row only. If there is something returned, the next row will be accessible using odbc_result (), supplying it with both the $result variable and a specification for the column of the row to extract -- either the column name, or the position (from 1 to the number of columns). In the above insertion, you can insert all data and fetch via ajax and display it on the webpage. Example with Full PHP Code. If I select the id 1, then a mack name should be displayed. Then, in the instruction that traverses the results set, to each loop add a row with selected columns in the HTML table. Make a connection file . For this tutorial, we will sort table columns with HTML, PHP, and MySQL. I want to get the specific data row by ID using PHP and MYSQL. You can use GROUP_CONCAT() function from MySQL to display result as a comma separated list. First connect to database and perform the SQL query, then create a variable that contains the beginning of the HTML table, and the first row, with title for columns. The mysql_fetch_row function is … column = value: zip=“12345” Selects only the rows where 12345 is stored in the column named zip: column > value: zip > “50000” Selects only the rows where the ZIP code is 50001 or higher: column >= value: zip >= “50000” Selects only the rows where the ZIP … We delete a column using PHP to write the drop table MySQL query to delete the table. Note that your original, pre-transposed data still exists. The mysqli_num_rows() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to return the number of rows present in the result set. Data in rows is pasted into columns and vice versa. I am using a while loop to attempt to extract data from two columns in all of the rows of the table. LINE #30 IN THE MANNER YOU WISH TO DISPLAY EACH ITEM. Syntax: mysqli_num_rows ( $result ); In this article, we show how to delete a column of a MySQL table using PHP. Now we show an example of code that adds up all the rows of a column of a MySQL table. PHP MySQL Data Display; PHP MySql: Installation download and how to connect PHP MySQL Connection string with example PDO: Connection string for PDO Checking MySQL installation by PHPinfo Paging:Breaking all records to fixed number of records per page with option to Previous and Next page PDO: PHP connection class to various database including MySQL If a user clicks “Delete”, we have to somehow send a SQL delete statement to the database. On the Home tab, … 36-40: If that result contains more than 0 rows then display that data in an HTML table. 43, 44: If the result contains 0 rows then give a message “0 results” and close a database connection. It is generally used to check if data is present in the database or not. The row is returned as an array. If there are more than zero rows returned, the function fetch_assoc() puts all the results into an associative array that we can loop through. Currently for the homepage a PHP script connects to the database and selects a random row to display on the page. In this example, we will create a responsive three column layout: Example /* Responsive layout - when the screen is less than 600px wide, make the three columns stack on … To use this function, it is mandatory to first set up the connection with the MySQL database. You can select those cells again, and delete them if you want. 1 Mack . Listed below is an example of how to do this for MS SQL Server databases using PHP. You can generate it with HTML. "'>" . $row['LastName']; // Create a link to person.php with the id-value in the URL $strLink = "
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