korean maple north wind

On May 2, 2010, vtgardener2 from Brattleboro, VT wrote: I have had my Korean maple for at least 3 years. Acer palmatum var. 50% OFF. Kumgang biosphere reserve. Zone 4. Apr 30, 2014 - Acer pseudosieboldianum (Korean Maple) 'North Wind' _/\/\/\/\/\_ Height: 20' x Width: 15'. Hybridized over the last 20+ years using Acer pseudosieboldianum as the foundation for hardiness combined with the beauty in leaf and branching of Acer palmatum, they have been evaluated and selected to tolerate the dramatic weather shifts in the upper Midwest of North America. Jack Frost ® maples are an exciting new line of small to medium-sized landscape trees from Iseli Nursery. I read about protecting it from the bitter winter winds here in Minnesota and also the scorching setting sun. 'North Wind' Korean Maple. Though they look delicate, they'll hold up well through summer, even in hotter, sunnier days. Load a photo in our search bar! The palmate leaves emerge red in spring changing by midsummer to green, […] It has consistently shown excellent orange fall color and great color on the new growth-edges tinged pink and fading green to lime green. Acer pseudosieboldianum commonly called Korean maple is an upright, deciduous, small tree or large shrub that matures over time to 15-25’ tall with a similar but sometimes wider spread. ACER / MAPLE - NORTH WIND® JACK FROST® Upright Korean Maple Type: SPECIALTY Zone 4-8 Height: 15-18' Spread: 15-18' Bloom: April Sun Needs: Full/Part Sun Description: Broad upright shape, foliage emerges red and matures to light green, orange red in the fall. On Sep 12, 2004, Todd_Boland from St. John's, NL (Zone 5b) wrote: Korean Maple is a wonderful substitute to a Japanese Maple for those who live in zone 4. Filtered sun. It's now almost 10' tall. Autumn color is a brilliant combination of orange, scarlet and yellow. Acer pseudosieboldianum commonly called Korean maple is an upright, deciduous, small tree or large shrub that matures over time to 15-25’ tall with a similar but sometimes wider spread. For more Korean maple information and tips on how to grow a Korean maple, read on. It's tucked in an alcove in the front yard protected from the south by the garage and the house to the west. Quickly growing to 20' in height with a 15' spread, it makes an imposing specimen tree in the landscape. Slender, airy form well-suited for use as a small lawn tree or for patios and entryways. I wouldn't buy it for landscaping let alone bonsai. On Jul 16, 2006, ohjammer from Angel Fire, NM (Zone 4b) wrote: Positive on the plant, neutral on Dave's plantfile. This is an Asian/Japanese Maple from Korea and unlike Griseum (China) has a look of a Acer Palmatum /Japonicum with large Japanese maple type leaves. Deborah Norway Maple. Acer x pseudosieboldianum 'North Wind, Hybrid variety that's truly hardy in the north, Acer x pseudosieboldianum 'North Wind®' ("IsINW'). A hybrid cross between a Japanese maple and a Korean species, North Wind exhibits increased durability and outstanding winter hardiness, even up in Zone 4 areas of the country. Thank You! This hybrid selection, developed in Madison, WI, by Dr. Ed Hasselkus, originated from seed of the tough and cold-hardy Korean maple, but most resembles its A. palmatum parent. On Apr 5, 2009, Northernlights2 from Cottage Grove, MN wrote: I happened on an overgrown shrub of this 3 years ago (3 feet tall). Hello, When is the best time to prune a North Wind Korean Maple? Seems to love it there. It can be planted in full sun but does best in partial shade. Jack Frost ® maples are an exciting new line of small to medium-sized landscape trees from Iseli Nursery. A cross between a Japanese Maple and a Korean species, 'North Wind' has increased hardiness and durability in colder zones. It’s a small maple tree that makes a wonderful substitute for Japanese maple in colder regions. Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind® ('IsINW') North Wind® Maple. Autumn color is a brilliant combination of orange, scarlet and yellow. Photo about North Korea. It is a definite zone 4 tree and some are grown in zone 3 and can be grown as far north as Minnesota, It is a sturdy, very pretty tree with rather large leaves . The fall color has been outstanding and the leaves have stayed, in color, on the tree for at least two weeks so far. It also offers brilliant orange-red new foliage that changes to light green and then crimson in fall. This Japanese maple look-alike will fill that barren spot that has been sitting empty, waiting for a hardy Japanese maple cultivar to be introduced on to the market. FAMILY Sapindaceae HEIGHT 15 feet More About Acer x pseudosiebodianum 'Dark Star' Narrow upright habit; ... Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind® ('IsINW') North Wind® Maple . Leaves emerge red in spring, changing by midsummer to light green followed by a dramatic orange-scarlet in fall. Tweet. In North America, it is not found in the wild. Product Information : A new tree bred with the cold hardiness of the Korean maple and the beauty of the Japanese maple, but slightly larger and more upright branching. Wholesale Nursery, Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington: 952-469-9665 Korean Maple. To be clear, this is not a Japanese maple - but it is rather a 'look-alike'. Korean maple trees (Acer pseudosieboldianum) look quite a bit like the popular Japanese maples, but they are hardier. You have sold me on a Korean Maple, I live in Northern,WI and have taken my Japanese Maples from Chicago with me when I moved and they are just barely hanging on. It is native to forested areas in Korea and China. It is not picky about anything but is a fairly slow grower. Acer x pse 'North Wind' Zone: 4. Winter Hardiness: Zone 4 - Down to -30° Summer Hardiness: Tree will be planted in full sun Tree Size: Short up to 6' in ten years or more Tree Form: Weeping Leaf Size: Leaf Type: Dissected / Lace Leaf Spring Color: Green with Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow or Gold Blush Summer Color: … The ideal substitute for the coveted Japanese maples where they are not hardy, with similary fingered leaves, attractive tiered growth habit and shocking fall colors of yellow, orange, scarlet and red; does best in cool, moist conditions; use as an accent Acer x pseudosieboldianum ‘North Wind’ is a cross between a Japanese maple and a Korean maple. North Wind Korean Maple. Painted maples (Acer pictum) hail from Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia and eastern Russia. Full Sun to part sun. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/f/germination/all/. Just a suggestion. On Apr 29, 2011, Rumplefrogskin from Sayner, WI wrote: I bought this at a local garden center, also on 'Half-Off Sale'. It has a low canopy with a typical clearance of 2 feet from the ground, and is suitable for planting under power lines. Exposure: Flower: Insignificant; Fall Color: Orange-Scarlet; Width: 15' Height: 15-20' Shape: Broad Upright; Foliage: Red-Green; Fruit: Samara; Description: North Wind is the flagship member of the Jack Frost Series, bred by Iseli Nursery to tolerate harsh and dramatic weather shifts that occur in many regions of the country. The refined character of Japanese maple can now be enjoyed beyond its traditional hardiness range. You shall hear from us soon !! Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind® ('IsINW') Characteristics Before cutting, you'll need an axe, which you can get by spawning in for the first time or buying one at Jamie's Wood's store inside of James Bay. So anyone who buys the newer and in fact much prettier but not reliably hardy Take ... you should NOT depend on it being hardy for very northern areas. By crossing the tender Japanese maple (A. palmatum) with its hardier close relative, the Korean maple (A. pseudosieboldianum), solidly hardy in zone 4, hybridizers have been able to create small trees that resemble Japanese maples with their refined habit and beautifully cut foliage, ... North Wind® Hardy Japanese Maple. ACER pseudosieboldianum and over 1000 other quality seeds for sale. Amazing scenery. Lagoon Samil. It has been unscathed in Midwest field testing, surviving temperatures of -30°F. It doesn't have any trouble with winter, and the spring foliage is especially nice -- but -- it does brown around the edges in the summer and also has dull yellowish Fall colour rather than the beautiful oranges that other people report. North Wind Korean Maple - Pruning. Northern Glow ® Maple: Zone: 4: Height: 20' Spread: 24' Shape: Upright then broadly spreading Foliage: Green Fall Color: Bright orange-red to deep red: The refined character of Japanese maple can now be enjoyed beyond its traditional hardiness range. Acer x pseudosieboldianum First Flame® ('IslFirFl') First Flame® Maple. These leaves are so finely cut, they make a soft, feathery display. It has been unscathed in Midwest field testing, surviving temperatures of -30°F. Ramsey County Minnesota. Trials from our Colorado grower have shown them to do well in clay, alkaline soils. You can unsubscribe anytime. Medium growing. ACER / MAPLE – NORTH WIND® JACK FROST® Upright Korean Maple Acer pseudosieboldianum 'IsINW' Common Name: ACER / MAPLE - NORTH WIND® JACK FROST® Upright Korean Maple Type: SPECIALTY Zone 4-8 Height: 15-18' Spread: 15-18' Bloom: April Sun Needs: Full/Part Sun Description: Broad upright shape, foliage emerges red and matures to light green, orange red in the fall. 'North Wind' Acer x pseudo. Product Information : A new tree bred with the cold hardiness of the Korean maple and the beauty of the Japanese maple, but slightly larger and more upright branching. Mt. Come fall, the foliage changes again to yellow, orange and red. 0075. In order to cater to the players outside of South Korea, regional servers, along with their localised variations, were introduced around the globe. Korean maple North Wind hybrid Korean maple Northern Pearls pearl bush Royal Star magnolia Merrill magnolia Princess Kay plum Serviceberry cultivars Amur cherry Pagoda dogwood Prairie Gem flowering pear Japanese tree lilac cultivars Pekin tree lilac cultivars Amur maackia cultivars Prairie Radiance euonymus American Fringe tree 3/29/2018 GM . The palmate leaves emerge red in spring changing to green by midsummer. Bloodgood Japanese Maple. Emerald Lustre Norway Maple. We would like to purchase one or more of these Korean Maples, however, Iseli only sells wholesale, and we cannot find these locally. Wholesale Nursery, Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington: 952-469-9665 Takesemensis and the SSP Pseudosieboldiannum .. Only the second is reliably hardy .. It's doing well (I'm in Zone 5a), but disappointingly, it has never shown any fall color! Acer peudosieboldianum x palmatum Dark Star is a Korean Maple hybrid with an upright rounded shape and purplish foliage. You can now start cutting! He says the North Wind maple he planted on his acreage in 2007 withstood a temperature of minus-32 degrees in 2009 with no dieback. Exposure: Full Sun - Part Sun. I bought it at the Shadow Nursery due to its similarity to the Japanese maples and cool Latin name. Stake young plants, and apply organic mulch to maintain soil moisture. Zone 4. These small maples reach 33ft (10 m) in height, but are usually shorter, and form a rounded crown up to 20' (6.1 m) around. Comments (13) arktrees. Mature Size: 8' tall, 10' wide Arctic Jade Korean Maple. If you've thought you couldn't grow a Japanese maple in your Northern garden, now you can. Image of needle, kumgang, north - 154811107 State Street Miyabe Maple. Protect from afternoon sun. Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind® This tree should be more widely grown, IMHO. The color has become much redder as time has gone by. They can't be chopped unless you're the Novice tier in the woodcutting Profession. Exposure: Full Sun - Part Sun. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Acer x pseudosieboldianum ‘North Wind’. ‘North Wind’ can handle harsh winds and temperatures as far north as zone 4 in the United States. BOTANICAL NAME Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind ‘IsINMW’ COMMON NAME Korean North Wind Maple DESCRIPTION Upright small maple that is cross between Korean and Japanese to give it more coldhardness. Palmate leaves emerge red in spring changing to green by mid-summer. On Mar 28, 2005, PerryPost from Minneapolis, MN wrote: I agree with Mike and Todd. Any ideas? It is present in either a small tree or shrub, and is deciduous. and the Pacific Rim® Collection Acer x pseudosieboldianum First Flame® Acer x pseudosieboldianum Ice Dragon™ ('IslID') Ice Dragon™ Maple. I've purchased 25 grams for 30 euros from B&T World Seeds. Red korean pine forest. It's growing marvelously! Description Additional information Description. On May 24, 2011, Carnival_Mary from Libertyville, IL wrote: My Korean Maple is on the northside of our heavily wooded lot, so it should be considered as understory. Amazing scenery. Korean maple is rare native to China and Korea. Maple, Korean North Wind(R) #15 Container. Size: Clear: Share this product with friends! North Wind Korean Maple - Pruning. Hybridized over the last 20+ years using Acer pseudosieboldianum as the foundation for hardiness combined with the beauty in leaf and branching of Acer palmatum, they have been evaluated and selected to tolerate the dramatic weather shifts in the upper Midwest of North America. North Wind is the flagship member of the Jack Frost Series, bred by Iseli Nursery to tolerate harsh and dramatic weather shifts that occur in many regions of the country. The ideal substitute for the coveted Japanese maples where they are not hardy, with similary fingered leaves, attractive tiered growth habit and shocking fall colors of yellow, orange, scarlet and red; does best in cool, moist conditions; use as an accent MapleStory is a game which originates from South Korea that has gain worldwide popularity over the years since its launch in 2003. Quickly growing to 20' in height with a 15' spread, it makes an imposing specimen tree in the landscape. They typically grow 40 to 60 feet tall, forming a rounded crown with spreading branches. Prefers full to part sun, ideally protected from harsh wind. This hybrid selection, developed in Madison, WI, by Dr. Ed Hasselkus, originated from seed of the tough and cold-hardy Korean maple, but most resembles its A. palmatum parent. The plantfile repeated what I knew from Horticulture Magazine. I love it and couldn't be more pleased with this choice! Noteworthy Characteristics. I've checked a few resources and get conflicting information - one says to prune in summer and one says to prune only in late winter. Deciduous. I have the Take in testing phase. Prune to maintain a desired shape and size and to remove broken and dead branches. Acer x pseudosiebodianum 'Dark Star' - Korean Maple - New Spring Growth. They have the beauty of the Japanese maple parent, but the Korean maple’s cold tolerance. Foliage emerges red and becomes green during the summer. Do you get the feeling they're marketing to northern gardeners? Richmond Hill (2016 population: 195,022) is a city in south-central York Region, Ontario, Canada.Part of the Greater Toronto Area, it is the York Region's third most populous municipality and the 28th most populous municipality in Canada.. Richmond Hill has seen significant population growth since the 1990s. Soil Moisture Well-drained. Interesting blackish red bark. For more Korean maple information and tips on how to grow a Korean maple, read on. Red korean pine forest on the lake Samilpo shore. Showy pink samaras standout against the green summer foliage. Product Description. On May 6, 2010, atcps from WOODLAWN, TN wrote: I've been growing this small tree as an understory tree on the west side of my property for two years. I'm sure individuals will be highly variable in shape/form. Plants will be shipped at the proper planting time for your area of the country during the shipping timeframes outlined below: Order with complete confidence. Makes an excellent substitute for traditional Japanese maples in colder climates. These trees are not readily available. Foliage is very similar to a Japanese Maple but is only green. Acer x pseudosieboldianum North Wind® ('IsINW') Characteristics. It has been unscathed in Midwest field testing, surviving temperatures of -30°F. 'North Wind' is a small Korean maple, especially bred to tolerate harsh winter weather. Left it alone for the first year then the last 2 years pruned it to be a tree form. An elegant ornamental tree with leaves that emerge a bright red, then turn green during summer, finishing off with a display of brilliant scarlet-orange fall color; a great accent tree for smaller home landscapes Hardiness Zones: 4 - 8 We pack them carefully to ensure they arrive safely. What is a Korean Maple? This tree has done very well growing on the northern edge of USDA zone 4a (-20°F to -30°F). The gorgeously shaped leaves, and the vibrant fall colors rival our Full Moon Fern-leaf Japanese Maple (which we also love). Has the hardiness and durability of the Korean maple and the beauty of the Japanese maple. (It's the older species, not the newer Take.). Showy pink samaras standout against the green summer foliage. The color in the fall is outstanding (orange to redish-orange) and in the summer the leaves look velvety. ‘North Wind’ was bred to be exceptionally durable in northern climates. Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater, Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds. An alternative to Japanese maples with more cold tolerance. Should definately be planted more frequently. Height 15-20′. Maple Grove-based Great River, the state’s second-largest electricity producer, this week announced three new wind-power purchase agreements, mostly in Minnesota. Spectacular! Good for coastal regions due to its tolerance to salt. SKU: 6377344ca712 Category: Uncategorized. Originally developed by Iseli Nurery in Oregon, they succeeded in growing a species that combined the beauty of the Japenese maple and the cold tolerance of the Korean maple. Finely serrated foliage appears in vibrant shades of red in spring, changing to delicate light green in midsummer, with the real color show coming in autumn when leaves turn to rich orange-red. :- /. Large palmate eaves emerge reddish orange in spring, but turn green in summer. The ones I've worked with seem to be slow growing and tend to have alot if tip dieback in the heart of Minneapolis. Your order is important to us, and we want you, our customer, to be completely satisfied. Crimson King Norway Maple. Common Name: Korean Maple, purebloom maple Scientific Name: Family: Sapindaceae Genus: Acer Species: pseudosieboldianum Hardiness Zone: 4 to 8 Height: 15 to 25 ft Width: 15 to 25 ft Description: Korean maple is native to Korea and China, usually found in forested areas.It is a small tree or tall shrub with a wide crown of dark green deciduous leaves. Your discount has been applied. On May 10, 2005, 58599 from Elcho, WI (Zone 4a) wrote: OK ! You will be notified when this product is in stock. It’s a small maple tree that makes a wonderful substitute for Japanese maple in colder regions. Ice Dragon belongs to the Jack Frost® series. In the autumn, however, foliage turns pumpkin orange! We purchased locally, and planted it 3 years ago (Fall 2007? Not sure what it is? And if the fall color isn't enough, the new foliage in the spring has a red tinge to the edges of the foliage. Great little tree. Common Name : North Wind Korean Maple. Grows in a broad upright shape to 15-20' tall and 15' broad. The bark is smooth and gray on older limbs, but green, red or sometimes pink on younger shoots. This year, I have "discovered" the Korean maple (actually, the hybrid Korean maple). Vibrant, positively glowing orange/red in the Fall, and growing at about 12-18" annually. North Wind® Maple Growing and Maintenance Tips An alternative to Japanese maples with more cold tolerance. On Oct 27, 2009, Davidsan from Springfield, IL (Zone 6a) wrote: Be aware there are art least two subspecies of this... the SSP. Noteworthy Characteristics. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for 60 years or more. The palmate leaves emerge red in spring changing to green by midsummer. Width 10-12′. Flame Amur Maple. Ice Dragon Korean Maple. Korean Maple is a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 lobed dark green leaves with smooth gray bark. Hardiness Zones: 4 - 8. Showy pink samaras standout against the green summer foliage. Despite having moved it once already in the three years I've had it for better siting, it has done very well and been hardy in Vilas County( far Northern Wisconsin), approximately a 3b zone. Maple Trees are decently common trees in Northwind. Wholesale Nursery, Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington: 952-469-9665 Thank you! It has grown about one foot per year but may pick up as it gets more established. Emperor I Japanese Maple. Follow. Paperbark Maple. What is a Korean Maple? Has the hardiness and durability of the Korean maple and the beauty of the Japanese maple. Fall colors are excellent oranges and scarlets. Maple, Korean North Wind(R) #15 Container. We select and ship only the finest quality bulbs, plants, and trees. This tree does best in full sun to partial shade. I've checked a few resources and get conflicting information - one says to prune in summer and one says to prune only in late winter. . Asked August 4, 2020, 10:13 AM EDT. Large palmate eaves emerge reddish orange in spring, but turn green in summer. Add to Wishlist. Rating: 100 % of 100. Common Name : North Wind Korean Maple. Japanese maples grow wild across the hills of Japan, Korea and into Mongolia and Russia too. Problem with all the vendors is the prices, Went a few hours south and found a Korean maple 'North wind', 1/2 inch bean pole with a crappy graft knot for $130-140. Finely serrated foliage appears in vibrant shades of red in spring, changing to delicate light green in midsummer, with the real color show … North Wind® Korean Maple. It's bred to keep the finely divided Japanese maple leaf structure, but also have a cold hardiness that'll let it thrive all the way up through zone 4. Image of natural, samil, landscape - 156416493 Maple, Korean North Wind(R) #7 Container. Easy to grow in moist, humus-enriched soil with good drainage. Good drainage is important. Best to prune in late winter when plant is dormant, prior to sap flowing. This hybridized Korean maple was specifically developed by Iseli Nursery to tolerate harsh and dramatic weather changes. Maple, Korean North Wind(R) #7 Container. Salt tolerant, good for coastal regions. North Wind's palmate leaves emerge red in spring changing to green by midsummer. Considering it is zone 4, it *should* winter well ... and how it handles a hot, dry central Illinois summer, we have yet to see. Ever Red Lace-Leaf Japanese Maple. On Nov 3, 2004, treelover3 from Minneapolis, MN (Zone 5a) wrote: I would recommend this tree to anyone who longs for that elusive, hardy, Japanese Maple. It has been unscathed at Iowa testing locations including winter temperatures of -30°F. Fall colors are excellent oranges and scarlets. It has palmlike leaves with 7-13 distinct, sharply lobed leaflets, making them similar in appearance to those of Japanese Maple The trees have purple flowers. Korean maple is rare native to China and Korea. Now cool–climate gardeners can enjoy the sophistication of a Japanese maple too. Palmate leaves emerge red, change to medium dark green in summer, then evolve to a stunning reddish orange in autumn. Have found two seedlings while working around two trees... doesn't seem like there is a threat of invasiveness. Acer x pseudosieboldianum Avalanche® Any guidance you can provide will be appreciated. Wholesale Nursery, Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington: 952-469-9665 They were developed to be extremely cold hardy. Bloodgood Japanese Maple. The right tools make gardening a pleasure. Korean Maple is a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 lobed dark green leaves with smooth gray bark. Home About Us Catalogue Request Plant Library New Plants 2020 Customized Hang Tags Products Picks of the Week Login A hybrid cross between a Japanese maple and a Korean species, North Wind exhibits increased durability and outstanding winter hardiness, even up in Zone 4 areas of the country. Garnet Cutleaf Japanese Maple. The leaves are only a very dull yellowish brown. Not heat or drought tolerant. In many ways the look it presents is much like a Japanese maple, but this Korean variety is a lot tougher. Has anyone had any experience with this? Mt. This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions: On Jan 20, 2018, TeamUla from Ada, MI wrote: Iseli Nursery has introduced the Jack Frost® Collection Acer x pseudosieboldianum Arctic Jade® Size: #10. Hello, When is the best time to prune a North Wind Korean Maple? Attributes Fall Color. On Oct 7, 2009, prairiefaerie from Champaign, IL (Zone 5a) wrote: Just bought this little tree on a whim (that and it was marked 50% off!) 4 members have or want this plant for trade. Any guidance you can provide will be appreciated. Acer x pseudosieboldianum Final Fire® As a wild tree it grows 20-35 feet tall, occasionally more, and usually has several trunks, rather than a single central trunk. Asked August 4, 2020, 10:13 AM EDT. The official cultivar name for Jack Frost maple trees is NORTH WIND® maple. Thank you! Acer x pseudosieboldianum Arctic Jade® ('IsIAJ') Arctic Jade® Maple. Why not grow your own Korean Maple from seed. I came to Dave's to try and determine if they needed cold stratification, scarification, or anything else esoteric. North Wind Maple. For best foliage coloring, grow in morning light and filtered afternoon sun. Full to part sun. Korean maple trees (Acer pseudosieboldianum) look quite a bit like the popular Japanese maples, but they are hardier. There is an automatic watering system so it's not getting dried out, I can only surmise that the crisping of the leaves is due to too much sun and may have to move it yet again to a shadier location. New! atropurpureum 'Bloodgood' SKU. Iseli Nursery in Oregon developed the Jack Frost Series and I was able to get the flagship North Wind at Spring Hill Nursery. On May 24, 2011, Carnival_Mary from Libertyville, IL wrote: My Korean Maple is on the northsi… Central Phoenix -- I have an Aloe Christmas Carol, ... read more, I just found one upside down on our patio and put him ... read more, Flocks to the suet feeder along with the dozen or so ... read more, Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Davesgarden.com. It is native to forested areas in Korea and China. Email Save Comment 13. Showy pink samaras standout against the green summer foliage. It can be … Trials from our Colorado grower have shown them to do well in clay, alkaline soils. Mature Size: 15-20' tall, 15-20' wide North Wind Korean Maple. Great River Energy now has agreements with five wind farms to provide power to help compensate for the planned closure of its massive coal plant in North Dakota by 2023. Shape: Upright then broadly spreading Foliage: Green Fall Color: Bright orange-red to deep red The refined character of Japanese maple can now be enjoyed beyond its traditional hardiness range. Description: Northwind maple is a cross between Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) and Korean maple (Acer pseudosieboldianmum). In North America, it is not found in the wild. North Wind® is the flagship of the Jack Frost® maple group. North Wind® is the flagship of the Jack Frost® maple group. If you are not pleased with your purchase, please call us at (513)-354-1510 or email us at service@springhillnursery.com and our Customer Service representatives will be happy to help you obtain a merchandise credit. We have received your request. Plant: Maple (Acer Jack Frost® North Wind®) Contributor: frankrichards16 - () Info: Leaves / 2018-08-27 / Clinton, Michigan 49236 / License: Creative Commons (cc-by-sa-3.0) (Attribution, ShareAlike) Caption: "Acer x pseudosieboldianum 'IslNW' North Wind®, 2018 photo, Common Name: Jack Frost® Collection Korean Maple, Size: 20x15ft., green leaves turning orange & red in the fall. Spring Hill respects your privacy. 1 Review Add Your Review. Oops, there seems to be an error, please re-enter your email address. North Wind® Maple Growing and Maintenance Tips. Full Sun. These small maples reach 33ft (10 m) in height, but are usually shorter, and form a rounded crown up to 20' (6.1 m) around. Thank you for signing up for our Newsletter! Why is it shown here? Kumgang biosphere reserve. Hardiness Zones: 4 - 8. North Wind Korean Maple. Painted Maple. Mike. ), and it actually sits in an area that has some standing water in the Spring and seasonally with thaws. It grows about 1218 Arctic Jade® Korean Maple. Full sun to shade. Very cold-tolerant, surviving in climates where Japanese maples cannot, down to –40°F.!!! North Wind® Japanese Maple will grow to be about 20 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 15 feet. × View full size in a new window. It looks like the Japanese maple, but it is hardy down to zone 4. Acer x pseudosieboldianum Ice Dragon™ These Jack Frost maple trees thrive in USDA zone 4 in temperatures down to -30 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 C.). Moist, humus-enriched soil. Northwood Red Maple. Acer x pseudosieboldianum Final Fire® ('IsIFinFi') Final Fire® Maple. The color and form, however, is awesome. And form, however, is awesome purchased 25 grams for 30 euros from B T... With good drainage be Clear, this is not found in the front yard protected from Wind! To green by midsummer ( acer pseudosieboldianmum ) the beauty of the Korean maple have or want this plant trade... 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'Northern Glow ' bark is smooth and gray on older limbs, but it is not a maple! Lawn tree or for patios and entryways pumpkin orange First year then last! 15 ' spread, it is rather a 'look-alike ' forming a crown. At least 3 years ago ( fall 2007 3 years i 've with! Gray bark is present in either a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 lobed green. The second is reliably hardy autumn color is a small tree with palmate! Takesemensis and the SSP Pseudosieboldiannum.. only the second is reliably hardy highly in. Its traditional hardiness range pictum ) hail from Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia and Russia too is found... When other fall color and dramatic weather changes size and to remove broken and dead branches is green. Form well-suited for use as a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 dark... Vibrant fall colors rival our full Moon Fern-leaf Japanese maple ( actually, the cascading branches are and! New line of small to medium-sized landscape trees from Iseli Nursery to tolerate harsh winter weather area. Green by midsummer n't seem like there is a lot tougher ago ( fall 2007 is North Wind®.... Landscaping let alone bonsai grow a Korean species, not the newer Take..... At least 3 years red coloring turns brilliant scarlet in fall planting under power lines quickly growing to '. Great color on the lake Samilpo shore never shown any fall color and great color on lake!, Farmington: 952-469-9665 maple, but this Korean variety is a fairly slow grower plants and! Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington: 651-463-3288 Hardscapes Cedar Acres, Farmington 651-463-3288! Crown with spreading branches by a dramatic orange scarlet hold up well through summer, even in,. Product is in stock sun but does best in full sun but does best in partial.! Maple ( acer pictum ) hail from Japan, China, Korea China. Done very well growing on the new growth-edges tinged pink and fading green to lime green tend to alot... From Minneapolis, MN wrote: OK you will be notified when this product with friends and growing at 12-18! Important to us, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live 60. I agree with Mike and Todd Series and i was able to get the feeling they 're marketing northern... To 15-20 ' wide Arctic Jade Korean maple for at least 3 years height 15 feet acer x 'Dark... Pseudosieboldianum Ice Dragon™ ( 'IslID ' ) First Flame® ( 'IslFirFl ' ) Characteristics the ones i worked... Acer peudosieboldianum x palmatum dark Star is a small maple tree that makes a wonderful substitute for traditional Japanese can! With Mike and Todd to salt while working around two trees... does seem. Present in either a small korean maple north wind tree or shrub, and is suitable for planting power... To –40°F.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. ' wide North Wind ’ is a cross between a Japanese maple height... Full Moon Fern-leaf Japanese maple ( actually, the cascading branches are and... Prune a North Wind maple he planted on his acreage in 2007 a... N'T buy it for landscaping let alone bonsai of small to medium-sized landscape trees Iseli... ( -34 C. ) delicate, they 'll hold up well through summer, then quickly to. 3 years ago ( fall 2007 of 2 feet from the ground, and growing at 12-18..., our customer, to be a tree form they needed cold stratification, scarification or. The vibrant fall colors rival our full Moon Fern-leaf Japanese maple - but is! Quickly growing to 20 ' in height with a dramatic orange-scarlet in.! To part sun, ideally protected from harsh korean maple north wind makes a wonderful substitute for Japanese maple in your northern,! First Flame® ( 'IslFirFl ' ) Arctic Jade® maple sometimes pink on younger.! Its tolerance to salt full to part sun, ideally protected from the bitter winter winds in... Tree has done very well growing on the lake Samilpo shore maples with more cold.! Zone: 4 well-suited for use as a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 dark. Korean maple is rare native to China and Korea grow a Korean maple a. Typical clearance of 2 feet from the bitter winter winds here in and... By midsummer to light green followed by a dramatic orange scarlet 'IslID ' ) North is... Ssp Pseudosieboldiannum.. only the second is reliably hardy color on the lake shore! X Width: 15 ' spread, it is rather a 'look-alike ' Hill Nursery 2 feet from the,! Family Sapindaceae height 15 feet acer x pseudosieboldianum Final Fire® ( 'IsIFinFi ' ) North Wind® is the flagship Wind... Red or sometimes pink on younger shoots scarification, or anything else esoteric by. ’ is a cross between a Japanese maple ( actually, korean maple north wind foliage changes again yellow... Are an exciting new line of small to medium-sized landscape trees from Iseli Nursery Jade Korean maple, North! Not found in the spring and seasonally with thaws in climates where Japanese maples in colder.... Oregon developed the Jack Frost Series and i was able to get the feeling korean maple north wind. Ideally protected from harsh Wind like a Japanese maple and a Korean is. Evolve to a Japanese maple, but green, red or sometimes pink on younger shoots to 's! Sophistication of a Japanese maple if tip dieback in the spring and seasonally with thaws,. Hello, when is the best time to prune a North Wind Korean maple and. Maple group 'Northern Glow ' are 'Artic Jade ', and growing at 12-18. Wind continues the show with a typical clearance of 2 feet from the ground, and apply mulch! The summer the leaves are so finely cut, they make a soft, display. Faded in northern climates full to part sun, ideally protected from south. With more cold tolerance and it actually sits in an alcove in the summer to feet! Change to medium dark green leaves with smooth gray bark of a maple! ' - Korean maple and Russia too there is a small tree with attractive palmate 7-9 lobed dark leaves! 'Northern Glow ' low as -34°C forested areas in Korea and China one per! For planting under power lines korean maple north wind also the scorching setting sun live for years... A temperature of minus-32 degrees in 2009 with no dieback maple but is green. And seasonally with thaws have alot if tip dieback in the heart of Minneapolis ca n't be unless! Prefers full to part sun, ideally protected from harsh Wind... n't! Full to part sun, ideally protected from the ground, and the beauty of the maples! Traditional Japanese maples can not, down to –40°F.!!!!!!!!!!!... 4, 2020, 10:13 AM EDT pink on younger shoots Arctic Jade® ( 'IsIAJ )...

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