Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Send by email Printer-friendly version. The most cold hardy of the Pyrus calleryana cultivars, and the earliest to develop fall color. "Autumn Blaze" may also be planted along property lines and fences for a privacy screen spring through autumn, or try your hand at growing it as a bonsai specimen. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze callery pear : All information on this site is copyright protected. One of the hardiest varieties of callery pear is "Autumn Blaze," suitable for growing in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4b through 9. Then, in fall, the lustrous green leaves turn to brilliant shades of deep crimson. Unexpected, late freezes in early spring can damage the blooms. Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer Standard Trees. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Scientific Name: Pyrus L. (Rosaceae) calleryana Decne. Foliage is glossy and leathery. Foliage: Glossy green . She edited a weekly home-and-garden tabloid for her hometown newspaper and has regularly contributed to weekly and daily newspapers, as well as "Law and Order" magazine. The fall foliage is a reliable red-purple, but the plant is prone to fireblight and bears some thorns on its branches. Like most callery pears, this variety doesn't do well in shallow soils where its roots have no room to spread out and dig deep. - This flowering pear produces a strong pyramidal to oval form with a demse mass of white flowers followed by dense shiny green foliage in the summer that turns a brilliant wine-red color in late autumn. A Hambidge Fellow, Lynn studied English at Columbus State University. Small, inedible pome fruits follow the flowers. gardens. digthedirt is about gardening, outdoor living and loving our planet! Autumn Blaze Pear (Pyrus calleryana) Home / Pear (Pyrus) / Autumn Blaze Pear (Pyrus calleryana) Zone: 4 . Autumn Blaze Pear is a tree with awesome fall color varying from red to purple. Rounded shape with spreading branches. "Autumn Blaze" is a smaller variety of callery pear, growing 25 to 30 feet tall, with a brown trunk. Sun exposure, USDA hardiness zones, soil conditions, planting time, lifespan, blooming attributes and more. The white, fragrant flowers burst into bloom in early spring, often before the leaves fully unfurl. They all tolerate clay soils. Originated as a seedling of Pyrus ‘Bradford’ but stays smaller and narrower. Autumn Blaze Tree Attributes. Matures at a height of 35 feet with a spread of 20 feet. 4 - 5 m. The young leaves emerge reddish but soon turn glo… Read more Genus Pyrus are deciduous trees or shrubs with oval leaves and scented white flowers in spring, followed by green or brown fruits, edible in some species Details 'Chanticleer' is a narrowly conical medium-sized deciduous tree with glossy dark green ovate leaves, usually colouring well in autumn. Roosipuu liikmed (pyrus calleryana) pakuvad aias igal aastal kaks tähelepanuväärset näidet. Selected at Oregon State University by Mel Westwood, introduced in 1980. With its stunning flowers and foliage, "Autumn Blaze" may be used planted singly or in groups as a focal point in the yard. Deciduous tree, to 30 ft (9 m), spread about 25 ft (7.6 m), rounded form. Consider synonymous with 'Select' and 'Cleveland Select'. An Adaptable, Gorgeous Tree Fit For Every Landscape The Autumn Blaze Flowering Pear Tree is a magnificent choice for every yard. "28 Days of Autumn" Foliage emerges with a red tint and matures to glossy green. Madison Gas & Electric: Autumn Blaze Callery Pear (Pyrus Calleryana "Autumn Blaze"), University of Illinois: UI Plants -- Pyrus Calleryana "Autumn Blaze", UC IPM Online: Fire Blight Management Guide, Oregon State University Extension: "Autumn Blaze" Gallery -- Flowers and Expanding Leaves. Sun. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' – Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' An American cultivar with a pyramidal, vertical manner of growth when young, later broad pyramidal. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Click thumbnails to view. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Autumn Blaze callery pear This cultivar's claim to fame is its excellent wine red fall color, along with wide branch angles. Join now. Type: Broadleaf. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Common name: Autumn Blaze Callery Pear. Tight branching habit gives a formal appearance. Not as susceptible to breakage as the Branford variety. Audrey Lynn has been a journalist and writer since 1974. The branches have some thorns, but they are not abundant. A mass of large white flowers in large clusters. Only about half an inch in diameter, the fruit is olive to tan with orangish dots. 'Autumn Blaze' Nursery Availability 1 - 16 of 16. Members of the rose family, callery pear trees (Pyrus calleryana) offer two spectacular shows in the garden every year. The canopy can spread to around 25 feet, offering abundant shade in summer. Autumn Blaze Ornamental Pear is a dense deciduous tree with an upright spreading habit of growth. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Join the RHS today and get 12 months for the price of 9. Retail; Nursery Name City State / Province ; McKay Nursery Co. Waterloo : Wisconsin : McKay Nursery Co. 'Autumn Blaze' - Widely considered the hardiest cultivar available, this selection is also notable for its rounded habit to 35' tall. Pyrus calleryana, or the Callery pear, is a species of pear tree native to China and Vietnam, in the family Rosaceae.It is most commonly known for its cultivar 'Bradford', widely planted throughout the United States and increasingly regarded as an invasive species.. Pyrus calleryana is deciduous, growing to 5 to 8 m (16 to 26 ft) tall, often with a conical to rounded crown. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. For more Autumn Blaze information, including tips on how to care for an Autumn Blaze pear, read on. Flower: White . Approx. Leaves alternate, simple, leathery, and glossy dark green. It is slightly more tolerant of cold than the other callery pear selections, but exhibits some problems with fireblight. Pronunciation: PI-rus kal-er-ee-A-na. With glossy green foliage and red fall color, this cold hardy Pear is distinct amongst other Calleryana cultivars. Send by … Copper-based sprays applied as the tree's flowers are opening may help. Weight: 45.00 LBS : * Select a Pot Size: 4inch; 1gal; 2gal; 3gal; 5gal; 6gal; 7 gal; $279.99; 10 gal; 15gal; 20gal; 25gal; Quantity: Product Description. Best cold hardiness of the Callery pears, and the earliest to develop fall color. 'Autumn Blaze' produces a multitude of showy white flowers in spring. The foliage is glossy green during the summer and turns a … Medium-high with a narrow, conical to ovoid crown. A note from Lynn Payne: All flowering pears share several desirable common characteristics. ©2020 : Gary J. Kling, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign : Christopher P. Lindsey,, NCSA : Genus: Pyrus. $229.99. One of the most carefree trees in the landscape, "Autumn Blaze" is more susceptible to fire blight than other varieties. Oct 27, 2013 - Day 6 ~ Flowering Pear, Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’– Santa Rosa, CA Sonoma County. Foliage emerges with a … Patrick Breen, Unlike most other pears, this variety has a broad, rounded canopy. Pyrus (Pear) calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' (Autumn Blaze Flowering Pear) ... that distinguishes it from the other Pears. Leaves may die and turn black, making the tree looked scorched, and dark ooze may appear on the trunk or branches. "Autumn Blaze" is deciduous, dropping its leaves in the fall, but even its bare branches offer eye-catching turns and angles. Oregon State Univ. Pyrus calleryana NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C. Pyrus Calleryana Autumn Blaze Trees. Variable fall color early, can be bright red. Photo about Autumn colors of Callery pear, Pyrus calleryana Golden Blaze, which pruduces more rounded leaves turning brilliant deep crimson in autumn. While small, the tree goes dormant in winter and is well able to withstand transplanting. It is reported that this pear will tolerate very cold temperatures and has considerable drought tolerance. Well adapted to urban growing conditions and atmospheric pollution. 16 Search Results. Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) cultivars are the subject discussed after the introduction of a new cultivar, 'Autumn Blaze', to the nursery industry. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Pyramidal and rounded growth habit separates this Pear from the rest. "Autumn Blaze" grows quickly, adding up to 24 inches per year to maturity. Whether you want a shade tree, spring blossoms or a stunning fall display, Autumn Blaze pear trees (Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’) will provide. It grows in a zone 4 or 5 and gets to a height of 30 feet and spread of 25 feet. Remains significantly narrower than 'Bradford', but broader than 'Capital'. View All Pictures. May 22, 2019 - The Autumn Blaze Pear is a variety of pear that is more hardier than the others. Read more about Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer® Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Read more about Pyrus salicifolia 'Pendula' Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Read more about Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Pyrus calleryana. Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' – Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' The most successful cultivar of Pyrus calleryana. Deciduous tree, to 30 ft (9 m), spread about 25 ft (7.6 m), rounded form. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Image of pyrus, calleryana, turning - 113136466 Wait until summer or winter, then prune away as much diseases wood as possible, using disinfected cutting tools. PYRUS / FLOWERING PEAR – ‘Autumn Blaze’ Flowering Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Autumnn Blaze' Common Name: PYRUS / FLOWERING PEAR - ‘Autumn Blaze' Flowering Pear Type: TREES Zone 4-8 Height: 30-35' Spread: 15-20' Bloom: May Sun Needs: Full Sun Description: Pyramidal form, large white flower clusters, crimson red in the fall. The characteristics of 'Autumn Blaze' are addressed along with information regarding other Pyrus calleryana cultivars. The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze' Does Not Ship To: AZ, CA: Grows Well In Zones: 4-9 outdoors You are in Growing Zone: # Growing Zones: 4-9 outdoors (hardy down to -20℉) Product Description. Autumn Blaze (Pyrus calleryana ' Autumn Blaze'): Consistent early fall color, more cold hardy, susceptible to fire blight, consistently good fall color (red-purple). 8 - 10 m, width to approx. Although "Autumn Blaze" isn't choosy about the type of soil it grows in, it thrives in sandy, loamy or clay soils with pH levels ranging from alkaline to acid. Siis, sügisel, läikivad rohelised lehed pööratakse sügava karmiinpunase tooni hiilgavateks toonideks. The tree grows best in full sun and though drought- and heat-tolerant, prefers moist, well-drained soil. An excellent street tree. Pyrus calleryana Chanticleer is an ornamental, flowering pear tree with glossy, bright green foliage that appears early in the season and yet still looks fresh in autumn.When the leaves finally turn, their autumn colouring is magnificent. Image of turning, callery, brilliant - 113136261 All of which makes it an outstanding subject to use for screening, avenue planting or as a structural statement. Flowers bloom in small clusters up to 3 inches in diameter. Produces few fruit. Scroll over image to zoom. Very adaptable to many different soils; tolerates drying and pollution. A row of trees along a driveway or streetside also provides "eye candy" for visitors and passersby, especially in the spring and fall. Family Rosaceae Name Status RHS Accepted name Get involved. Fall Color: Bright red . friends. Autumn Blaze Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’ Zone: 4 Height: 30' Spread: 25' Shape: Rounded Foliage: Glossy green Fall Color: Bright red Flower: White Rounded shape with spreading branches. Family: Rosaceae. Fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora bacteria, commonly appears when rain or hail falls while temperatures are between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Foliage emerge with a red tint and matures to a dark, glossy green. Pyramidal, dense and symmetrical shape. Height: 30′ Spread: 25′ Shape: Rounded . It produces white bloom in the spring, but it is liked for the autumn blaze (red/purple) color that is produced in the fall. CPN (Certified Plant Nerd), College of Agricultural Sciences - Department of Horticulture, USDA Hardiness Zone Maps of the United States, Oregon Master Gardener Training: Identifying Woody Plants. Once established, requires moderate watering. White flowers bloom in spring. Chanticleer® (Pyrus calleryana 'Glen's Form '):More narrow habit, foliage has a red-purple fall color. Its average texture blends into the landscape, but can be balanced by one or two finer or coarser trees or shrubs for an effective composition. height 12 m. Ol… Read more This variety produces inedible fruit, so choose it if you are only interested in the flowers and fall color. Details for Pear Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze'. Members of the rose family, callery pear trees (Pyrus calleryana) offer two spectacular shows in the garden every year. Photo about Autumn colors of Callery pear, Pyrus calleryana Golden Blaze, which pruduces more rounded leaves turning brilliant deep crimson in autumn. The dark green, glossy leaves of "Autumn Blaze" are scalloped ovals up to 3 inches long, with a leathery texture. Cankers may develop and shoots may turn red, then black. First, the trees bloom so prolifically in early spring that the branches are barely visible. Please see our copyright statement. Hardy to USDA Zone 4 (more cold-hardy than many other cultivars). Flowers white, borne in small clusters, somewhat hidden by expanding leaves. Pyrus calleryana ‘Autumn Blaze’ A lovely tree with white spring flowers and glossy green leaves that turn brilliant scarlet in fall. plants. campus: northeast Cordley Hall. Description This is the hardiest of the ornamental pear varieties. Esiteks, õisikud õitsema nii varases kevadises taustal, et oksad on vaevu nähtavad. Height approx. Co. Waterloo: Wisconsin: McKay Nursery Co. 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