The short, rigid, flat blades have white edges with one edge often crinkled. Figure 5. The light brown seed has a single, twisted, bent awn, 2½ to 4 inches long, and a barbed callus in the base; hence, it is sometimes called speargrass. This palatable forb grows in areas 2 through 10 and is a perennial, cool native that provides good grazing for wildlife and livestock. It is a perennial, warm, introduced grass that provides good grazing for livestock: poor grazing for wildlife. 3. The upper surface is deeply ridged, and the The pale green collar is large and (Bouteloua eriopoda) This 12- to 24-inch tall grass has weak, crooked, slender, woolly stems which often take root at the swollen fuzzy joints. Texas grama grows on dry plains, rocky hills and abused sites and invades overgrazed ranges in areas 2 through 10. The inflorescence has one to three spikes, sometimes a foot long with male spikelets above and female spikelets below. Western wheatgrass grows most abundantly in moist bottomland in areas 8 and 9 and decreases with overgrazing. Panicles are narrow, contracted, dense, mostly 2½ to 5 inches long, often partially enclosed and with numerous branches, mostly 11/2to 31/2inches long. The flat, whitish to purplish base has long, overlapping sheaths. Little bluestem is grazed by all classes of livestock and matures seed in the fall. flattened and 30-100 cm tall. short, thick tufts. This perennial, warm native grows in areas 2, 3, 4 and 5 and provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock. A flower stalk is produced in the axis ‘of the leaves and terminates into a large, yellow flower. The fruit is black, mealy and stone-like, about the size of a pea, Sharp, straight thorns are numerous along the stems. The pale bluish-green colour and dullness of leaves, (Hordeum pusillum) This 5- to 15-inch tall grass has stems growing from small tufts. Dark green blades are beset with short, bristly, white hairs and are rough on both sides. Spikelets are in pairs on short pedicels and look like four rows of seed. A deep-rooted, bright-green grass. Texas cupgrass grows on hills and ridges, mostly in protected areas in areas 2 and 4 through 8, and decreases with heavy grazing but will increase with proper use, It contains some green vegetation during winter on properly stocked ranges, is a perennial, warm native and provides fair grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. a very short membrane. (Leptoloma cognatum) This bunchgrass grows 12 to 30 inches tall with freely branching stems and felty pubsecence below. Switchgrass grows in areas 1 through 10 as a perennial, warm native that provides fair grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. from the inner surface of the collar between the leaf blade and cm long and flat with a sharp, pointed tip. The inflorescence has three to six purple spikes, resembling a bird’s foot. (Karwinskia Humboldtiana) Branches grow from a central crown of this spineless, bushy shrub, with stems up to 8 feet tall. The seedhead is long and zig-zag with many spikes (20 to 50) twisting around on the side when ripe. transparent line on each side of the midrib. Grass Species (Smooth Bromegrass). (Hilaria belangeri) This pale green, sodforming grass grows 4 to 10 inches tall with creeping surface runners which take root at the leafy nodes. Flowers are small and yellow with six to eight petals. the bottom. (Aloysia gratissima) This low growing, shrubby plant has many branches growing from a central crown, The pale, brittle branches may extend to a height of 8 feet. The sheath is split part way and covered with fine Thin paspalum is a perennial, warm native that provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock. torreyana) This 18- to 42-inch tall bunchgrass usually grows from an inclined base with no rhizomes, The leafy, bent stems are smooth with white nodes and a fuzzy, white terminal panicle with short, awned spikelets. at each node of the central axis. (Juniperus pinchoti) This spreading, bushy tree grows up to 10 feet tall with no central stem developed. it has short rhizomes and may be weakly creeping. It grows in areas 2, 3 and 6 and is an annual, cool native that provides poor grazing for wildlife and livestock. Leaves are straight, broad, rough, strongly nerved on the upper surface and roll inward with maturity. Each spikelet is borne on a footstalk and contains three to five pineapple shaped florets, each with about 12 unequal awns. Upper leaves near the flower head are not lobed. Inflorescence usually has two spike-like branches, 1½ to 4½ inches long, paired at the tip of the stem, one slightly below the other. (Digitaria californica) This bunchgrass grows 12 to 48 inches tall, with hard, round stems growing from a knotty, swollen, felty, hairy base. Leaves are elliptical to oblong, 2 to 5 inches long, rounded on the tip, dark green and somewhat hairy on the under surface. Identifying grasses isn’t easy, and what I like about this resource is that it points out the little identifiers that make all the difference when you’re trying to separate one kind of grass from another. (Sorghastrum nutans) This 36 to 84-inch tall bunchgrass grows from short, scaly rhizomes. The collar is narrow and continuous. Stem length depends on growth conditions. claw-like and project from the sides of the collar. Stems and leaves have thin to heavy, yellow spines. There are two leaf-like appendages at the base of seed branches. and clasping. Flowers are like a morningglory except smaller— about 1 inch across and white with a slightly pink cast, especially on the inside. (Eriochloa sericea) This bunchgrass grows 12 to 48 inches tall in large tufts. Leaves are alternate, simple and thread-like. that is very tall. It is slightly Figure 1). It decreases with heavy grazing and is a perennial, cool native that provides fair grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. (Helenium amarum) The plant is a bright green, leafy forb that reproduces by seeds and has smooth, erect stems 6 to 24 inches tall and branches toward the top. Tall fescue is grown for pasture, hay, silage and as a companion crop with other forage grass varieties and legumes. Dutch and medium white clovers are recommended for sheep pastures, especially for mixing with Kentucky bluegrass. It grows on a wide variety of soils in areas 4 through 10. The 1 Pastoralism: Research, Policy and Practice Two types of pasture swaps were recorded, namely; 'cooperation' between private ranches (PRs) and GRs and trading in pastures or pasture leasing. root system. The sheath is split part way and is green on the top It grows in alkaline sites in areas 7 through 10 and is a perennial, warm native that provides poor grazing for wildlife; fair grazing for livestock. The inflorescence is erect or drooping, flat and green, but turns straw yellow when ripe and dry, Spikelets are overlapping, forming v’s with short or no awn. show things to check when looking at each of these plant parts. dense, spike-like panicle. Stems bearing the leaves tend to zig-zag with a pair of short spines at each leaf bud and at other points on stems. The auricles are 1-3 mm long, slender HASKELL SIDEOATS GRAMA – A long-season native, rhizomatous sideoats selection that can be used for pasture and/or hay in range seeding mixtures for grazing, revegetation of reclaimed surface-mined lands and in areas where water conservation is a problem. (see Figure 1). It forms an open sod. Leaf sheaths are smooth with long, flat blades. This perennial, warm native provides poor grazing for wildlife and livestock. membrane. The short, soft awns along the sides of the seed head green grass forms large (10-40 cm diameter), dense bunches, even There are no auricles. Tanglehead grows on rocky hills and ridges in areas 2, 6, 7 and 10 and is a perennial, warm native that provides poor grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. (Tridens albescens) This 12- to 36-inch tall bunchgrass has erect stems and a whitish to purplish base. Cane bluestem grows in areas 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and is a perennial, warm native that provides poor grazing for wildlife; fair grazing for livestock. a boat-shaped tip. A commonly found grass that is known for its long The sheaths usually are smooth but the lower ones can be hairy. Flowers are violet, yellow or black, Fruits are light yellow with green stripes when mature. This type of dough is commonly used to make sausage rolls, pasties and plaits. It is found mostly along creeks and streams and in protected areas and decreases with heavy use, but can be used and managed similarly to pasture grasses. The female resembles a threeawn and varies from pale green to reddish purple. Pl… Ranchers Agricultural Leasing Workshop: Online course, Connecting Agriculture and Health – From the Ground Up: online, Equine Reproductive Management Short Course, The edges are rough. species. Most fencing starts with a substantial perimeter fence with less substantial fencing used to subdivide the pasture into more manageable areas. The single spike-like seedhead is zig-zag when florets fall. It is shiny on the under-surface. like timothy. (Senecio longilobus) This evergreen has many stems that grow from 12 to 36 inches tall from a central crown. Usually, the branches are from one side of the main stem, which is woody. That rarely provides excellent results. This grass, palatable throughout the year, is frequently overgrazed but responds readily to deferment. Rate Program, Agricultural Information The fruit is red or reddish brown. Seeds furnish some food for ground birds. It is a perennial, warm native that provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock. The ligule is a thin membrane that is toothed at the Blades are 1/8 to 2/5 inch, often folded and rough on the back. The prominently ridged upper surface of the blade, Stems usually are erect but sometimes are prostrate with short, hairy nodes. (Distichlis spicata var. Publications There are no auricles. This grass grows in vegetational areas 1 and 2 in sites with adequate moisture and is a perennial, warm, introduced forage and hay grass that provides fair grazing for livestock but poor grazing for wildlife. auricles are 0.5-1.5 mm long and usually blunt but sometimes claw It resembles dallisgrass, but blades are narrower, racemes are shorter and fruit is not covered with silky hairs. It grows well on moist soils and forms a sod. The single-seeded spikelets are borne on very short pedicels. The lower nodes sometimes take root. in pasture seed mixtures, as well as one weed species - quack grass. Introduction Pasture management must emphasize utilization of all feed grown. A perennial, warm, native grass, burrograss provides poor grazing for wildlife and livestock. (Tripsacum dactyloides) This 36to 72-inch tall bunchgrass has robust stems, flattened at the purplish base and growing from stout, scaly rhizomes resembling white grubs. (Lupinus subcarnosus) This graygreen plant produces many stems from a main stem. Collar types (seen from the back of the leaf blade). Black grama is a good source of vitamin A during winter. The top part of the stem is naked, producing a terminal, loose seedhead. The inflorescence is a very This perennial, warm native provides poor grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. (Helianthus Maximilian) This upright plant, produced from seed or rhizomes, has bristly stems 36 to 72 inches tall and long, narrow, rough, scabrous leaves that taper at both ends. wide, 8-20 cm long and flat with a sharp-pointed tip. white membrane with a distinct notch and tooth on each side. of the bright green leaf blades, the soft, claw-like auricles and It forms a loose sod. Seedheads are partly enclosed in a sheath (spathe). The (Bouteloua trifida) This 5- to lo-inch tall, tufted bunchgrass grows erect or prostrate from short rootstock. (Eragrostis secundiflora) This 12- to 30-inch tall, tufted bunchgrass is branching and spindly. dark green leaves. It can also offer clues to a grass's identity. This deep Small, fuzzy seeds form a twisted awn seedhead, partially enclosed in a leaf sheath. 60-125 cm tall. membrane (Figure 7, below). The inflorescence is a slender, closed, forming a tube around the stem, with only a small notch tip. Flowers are white and fruits are bright red, Yaupon grows in areas 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 and is a perennial, cool and warm native that provides good grazing for wildlife; fair grazing for livestock. The inflorescence is a dense, cylindrical panicle, 2 to 2½ inches long. This annual, cool introduced legume grows in areas 1 through 5, 7 and 8 and provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock. (Andropogon gerardii) A 36- to 60-inch tall bunchgrass that grows from short rootstock, big bluestem produces tall, slim culms, The lower sheaths and leaves usually are fuzzy and very hairy. The sheaths are smooth, thick and leathery, and the lower ones are Minimum leaf or stubble height . (Xanthocephalum Sarothrae) This many-branched, semi-woody based plant has erect stems 9 to 18 inches tall. The inflorescence is a dense, bristly spike, 3/’to 2 inches long and usually yellowish in color. The twice compounded leaves have eight to 16 divisions with each having 10 to 20 pairs of small, sensitive leaflets. It grows mostly in bottomlands in areas Z, 4 and 6 through 9 and is a perennial, cool, introduced grass that provides fair grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. There are no auricles. The sheath is split with overlapping margins. This grass, which increases on overstocked ranges and sterile soil, grows in semi-arid plains and valleys in areas 7, 8, 9 and 10. It grows on upland hills and ridges and invades overgrazed ranges in areas 2, 3 and 5 through 10. The sheath is split, with the margins overlapping. It is prominently ribbed on the top and smooth and shiny on V-shaped. Flowers are produced on a fragrant, yellow, fluffy ball with many clusters of yellow stamens. brownish, blunt-tipped rhizomes covered with brown, scale-like sheaths The glumes are yellowish, hard and bowed out at the base, It is found in all vegetational areas except 9 and 10 and is a perennial, cool native that provides fair grazing for wildlife; good grazing for livestock. are nearly round. The similar to timothy. Spikelets are set edgewise and fit into the concave rachis. Productivity of livestock as individuals and productivity on a per unit area basis both originate from the combined effects of (i) efficient capture of solar energy (sunlight), (ii) efficiency in forage harvested by the animal(s), and (iii) efficiency in conversion of the forage into animal growth or production. Glumes are wedge-shaped, broad and hairy at the tip. on the side opposite to the leaf blade (Figure 2, below). (Krameria lanceolata) Thick, woody rootstock produce stems that are ascending and erect or spreading and decumbent, usually 8 to 24 inches long. The blade is 2-7 mm wide, 5-20 cm long and flat with a sharp, pointed In mixed Seedheads of 2 or 3 racemes are formed on long, slender stems. The sheath is split with the margins overlapping. Skunkbush is a perennial, warm native that grows in areas 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 and provides fair grazing for wildlife and livestock. This perennial, warm native grows in areas 1 through 10 and provides good grazing for wildlife; poor grazing for livestock. The sheath is split with the margins overlapping at The lower part of the stem has large nodes and internodes with branches coming from the nodes. scribnerianum) The 10- to 25-inch tall stems are smooth to harshly hairy, growing from a decumbent base. Yaupon will form a trunk when trimmed, Leaves are oval, 2 to 4 inches long, entire with smooth margins. Grass pastures can supply good yields of quality feed, and the wide selection of grass species means that there is a grass to suit almost any growing condition or management need. with fertile, well-drained soils. (Paspalum plicatulum) This 18to 36-inch tall bunchgrass has purplish, compressed culms and sheaths. collar may be broad or narrow, have a conspicuous midrib or be continuous The panicle is slim, bristly and narrowed at the top, Usually, one bristle grows below each spikelet. It decreases with heavy grazing but produces high yields when managed in a pure stand. Leaves are on long leaf branches having three leaflets, all being almost sessile. The plant produces leaf branches with three leaflets on the tip of a short, hairy leaf branch. The nodes are smooth and internodes are 2 to 2½ inches long, flattened and shorter than in common curly mesquite. Flowers are small, inconspicuous and produced in a panicle. It is the most abundant native winter grass in Texas and grows on bottomland soil and mesquite flats in areas 1 through 10. round or flat (Figure 8, below). (Rhus aromatica var. the webmaster at, Alternative Livestock PASTURE CONSIDERATIONS: Generally, pasture mixtures ontaining perennial c The leaf sheath has fine, parallel veins that are smooth to hairy. A constriction resembling the letter "W" Pods usually grow in clusters and are tightly coiled and fringed with a double row of soft spines. and have a few fine hairs along their margins. Blades are more than ½ inch wide. Sheaths are compressed. The mass of growth often resembles a bird’s nest. A large, coarse grass noted for its ability to grow The scaly bark is nearly black on young trees, turning to reddish brown on old trees, Leaves are in fascicles of three and are slender, 6 to 9 inches long and yellow green. This is a short and sweet handout with pictures and descriptions from Sid Bosworth, University of Vermont Extension. It invades rangeland rapidly when grasses are grazed short. The inflorescence has two to several spikes spread along the axis. The edges are rough, and consult your local livestock extensionist or pastures advisor. If you cannot enable JavaScript in your browser and would It grows on a variety of soils from sands to clays and decreases with heavy grazing. (Bothriochloa ischaemum var. (Sporobolus cryptandrus) This 18- to 42-inch tall bunchgrass is erect or spreading with the finally open panicle mostly included in the sheath. The blade is 2-5 mm wide, 5-40 cm long and V-shaped with stricta) This 6- to 24-inch tall, erect, coarse sodgrass grows from creeping, scaly rootstock. The tip of the blade can be boat-shaped, or tapered and flat (Figure Dark-green, very slender and bristle-like leaves; The topmost blade clings closely to the narrow seedhead, with the seeds turning from green to brown on maturity. The yellowish auricles are soft and wavy Flowers are white and produced as a long head. The type of grass and the inclusion of legumes will influence pasture composition. (Chloris cucullata) This tufted, erect bunchgrass grows 12 to 24 inches tall with ‘ flat, bluish-green stems and sheaths. It grows on clay loam soils in areas 2 through 10 and is a perennial, warm, introduced grass that provides good grazing for wildlife and livestock. (Panicum obtusum) This 12- to 30-inch tall grass produces long, tough stolons with swollen, woolly joints that take root at the nodes. (Panicum antidotale) This 48-to 54 inch tall bunchgrass has coarse stems growing from a dense crown of thick, short, bulbous rhizomes. Accessing this message means you do not have a JavaScript enabled The panicle is green to purple to pale with alternating 1- to 5-inch spikes. The long, slender blades have hairs at the throat. Willow baccharia blooms in late summer and fall, grows in areas 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and is a perennial, warm native that provides poor grazing for and is poisonous to livestock and wildlife. Do you have a question -or- need to contact an expert? It is a bit (Bouteloua rigidiseta) This tufted grass grows 5 to 12 inches tall with a few erect stems and smooth, dark nodes. The sheath is the tubular portion that surrounds the stem or younger This perennial, cool native grows in areas 7 through 10 and provides poor grazing for and is poisonous to wildlife and livestock. There are five basic types of pastry (a food that combines flour and fat); these are shortcrust pastry, filo pastry, choux pastry, flaky pastry and puff pastry. Click for a hub of Extension resources related to the current COVID-19 situation. It decreases with heavy grazing and grows on hills, mesas and plains under protection of brushy plants in areas 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Flowers are blue with a white spot in each. The panicle resembles lace when mature. An open, spreading panicle with a single spikelet is produced on each branch. Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostics Laboratory, Texas A&M College of Agrculture and Life Sciences. The apex end is blunt or rounded. Leaves are compound; leaflets come from opposite sides of a central stem, are mostly alternate, entire and abruptly pointed on both ends and are not sessile. It can cause prussic acid poisoning in livestock at certain stages of growth. stems are round and 50-100 cm tall. 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