another year wiser meaning

Combat, Damage Insect Glaive Ore Weapons. This weapon has the highest base damage of any elemental Insect Glaive. Kinsects also have their own attacks and damage types, that vary from Kinsect to Kinsect. Here are the durations and uses for Spirit ammo: Stone(20) 75 sec, Redpit(15) 90 sec, Torch(5) 120 sec, Brightmoss(5) 120 sec, Scatternut(5) 120 sec, Crystalburst(5) 120 sec, Puddle(7) 150 sec. Horn, Charge I mean should I always favor elemental damage as I read around here, or there are cases when raw damage surpass the elemental? Heal is held to be the least important of the three. Insect Glaive damage tips; User Info: lotlizar. Kjarr Glaive "Paralysis" Build For Insect Glaive The damage on insect glaive is garbage; User Info: Akagami_Shanks. Any Extract harvested will be used to buff the player. What you’ll see is that you fire your Kinsect at the enemy, where it attacks them. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective … Usually comes from tail. Overview, Palico 02: Raw: 25, Elemental: 9, Power/Element Lv. Ah, yes, the Kjarr Glaives. Aerial, in terms of damage & mounting capabilities, is strictly bad. The Airborne skill increases both raw damage AND elemental/status damage while in the air so it's a must-have for any elemental glaive build. Since more than one of each Kinsect can be made, it is recommended to have five of each Kinsect, one for each element (this excludes the Dragon Soul and True Dragon, which you can only have one of). Despite this great mobility, a ground focused play-style is still recommended for maximum dps as its attacks have much higher motion values and much lower attack commitments (easier to dodge out of). 17: Raw: 140, Elemental: 27, Power/Element Lv. Unfortunately the weapon seems to have taken a bit of a hit with the changes in MHR. Severing. The Insect Glaive you want to shoot for is named Catastrophe's Light, with the highest single raw damaging Insect Glaive in the game, and comes with a high Elderseal stat. Water Insect Glaives don’t have quite the spread as some other elements in this weapon class. The bulk of the attack doesn't give any mount progress and deals almost no damage without elemental support.Unless you're focusing explicitly on trying to mount the monster with the right attack, your mounting damage is going to fall short compared to something like an S&S user or the Hammer's sliding dash attack.Since mounting is actually a status condition it's affected by both the Felyne Specialist AND Felyne Rider skills. Not all monsters give Green Extract, making that part of the stat useless in many fights. General Kinsects provide buffs to the player by harvesting Extracts from monsters. White Extract provides a movement speed buff. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Vezirstag III Forz or Foliacath III Forz (can leave elementless or change elements depending on fight), Short ground attack animations, easy to dodge out of, Great reach, both vertical and horizontal, Fluid combos can be chained indefinitely or stopped to perform an evasive maneuver, Kinsect can deal constant (albeit relatively low) damage once a monster is tagged, Kinsect clouds from tagged monsters allows for extra damage, CC or healing, Kinsect can be used to remotely trigger environmental hazards such as Flashflies, Toads, and Poisoncups, Must rely on dodging for defensive measures. Comboing different essences together will give you the following additional buffs: Essences can be individually refreshed before they expire unless you have triple buff active. Tregrenos. The body part being attacked will change what sort of extract the Kinsect acquires. How to get Royal March Banner/ Guild Palace Insect Glaive? But at the same time, you get the benefit of being a murderous attack helicopter with an insect best friend. Electrorod has a decently long white sharpness gauge which can be extended more with Handicraft, giving it an edge in damage retention. Love insect glaive. Insect Glaives are kind of middle of the road Weapons, where the difference in damage isn’t super high depending on play style. But the Coral Pukei-Pukei version is your best bet for pure, unmitigated Water damage. Combining skills such as Weakness Exploit, & Critical Boost, you are sure to deal high damage especially when hitting weak spots! That being said, it's still possible to dish out good damage with it, so don't despair. It is pretty natural to incorporate Insect Glaives with elemental builds, but raw damage is still viable in Iceborne thanks to the heap of the new bonus and mechanic. Generally acquired from the monster's mobile parts (legs/wings). Requires severe multitasking to manage all the buffs, Orange buff is required to avoid getting flinched during attacks, Very mediocre clutch attack that can often whiff almost entirely, (Red Extract) Strong Rising Slash Combo: 16 + 14 + 15, (Red Extract) Strong Reaping Slash: 15 + 19, (Red Extract) Strong Double Slash: 16 + 14 + 28, (Red Extract) Strong Jumping Slash: 8 * number of hits (high mount damage), (Red Extract) Strong Jumping Advancing Slash: 6 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 32. Below are the colors and what they do. Bowgun, Meals & And cant seem to find out why or the meaning to it being pink... not red or orange or green but it pink. Lasts for 120 seconds. Lasts for 90 seconds. So...Is power prolonger skill with Insect Glaive bugged??? Verzistag III Forz is pretty much your only go-to slow powerful kinsect given that it is the only kinsect with a lvl 20 Power Stat and has a relatively slow speed, increasing your overall damage on the Descending Thrust. 12: Raw: 100, Elemental: 19, Power/Element Lv. The hunter can command the Kinsect to go out, hit the monster to collect essence, and then come back. Do the Legiana(sp?) Insect Glaives Gallery MHW. This is a list of the best Insect Glaive for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Plus in game I can't even tell what it actually does. White = Increases the hunter's speed and the height of your vaults. Consider each Kinsect type alongside the glaive type boosts to find effective combinations. What does Stamina Upgrade and Healing do? The data bellow shows the kinsect true raw and true elemental damage given the respective level, for example, a Kinsect with Power Level 1 has 20 of Kinsect True Raw, and a Kinsect with Element Level 10 has 17 of kinsect true element. When you’re attacking an enemy, your Kinsects will begin to gather extract. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. Flammenkaefer+ Information. Since the Insect Glaive can easily lose its sharpness, you can equip this skill to circumvent the problem. Jumping away from a wall will vault the player away at high speed. To build up mount progress as fast as possible all you need to do is get up next to the monster and spam your Jumping Slash attack as much as you can and it should mount within a few attacks. When equipping an Insect Glaive, the player can equip different Kinsects. Even thugh it is not mentioned, the aerial chain attack (B / Circle) deals mounting damage, too, but it is a lot easier to mount with the Y / Triangle attack. It trades 93 raw damage for 120 Water damage compared to the Hydros Arcana (the Namielle Insect Glaive). Functions the same as the Kinsect (Mark Target). Generally acquired from the monster's attacking parts (head/arms). Kjarr Glaive Spark. Kinsect Bonuses are bonus effects the Glaive confers on the Kinsect when they are paired together. True Fatalis Dyaus The Fatalis Insect Glaive comes with 1101 base damage. The player can stick to a runnable wall by vaulting onto it while holding the left-stick towards the wall. If so when? All the little things matter with the IG to improve overall damage and usability. Command insects called Kinsects to absorb essence from your prey and buff yourself. The Kinsect is a large insect that sits on the hunter's arm. This makes this weapon become the new Raw Damage Insect Glaive despite it’s Dragon Element, the True Raw added with this number damage simply overcomes the 300 Blast Proc from your typical Blast Insect Glaive build. The other half of the Insect Glaive is the Kinsect. Insect Glaive users in this latter camp will usually put more effort into aerial attacks, which have less motion values and thus less damage. Glaive, Light If you get the behemoth gear and level 3 weakness exploit, you don't have to worry about loss sharpness cause you crit almost every time. It's a given that you should slot damage skills like crit eye, crit boost, agitator, weakness exploit, attack boost if you can fit it, etc for optimal skill synergy and damage. Midair : Descending Thrust (Kinsect attacks only) -> 35, The kinsect attacks have a green level sharpness multiplier on all of its attacks, so you should considerate it in the calculations. Insect Glaive (操虫棍 Sōchūkon, "steering insect club") is one of the fourteen weapon categories in Monster Hunter Rise (MHR).Like all Weapons, it features a unique set of moves and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used. Calculation, Evasion and Kinsects have different beneficial bonuses, which make them useful for different circumstances. The Insect Glaive is a high mobility weapon that allows you to traverse a battlefield quickly. One Midair Evade and one midair attack can be used each time you're in midair. See the article on Attack Power for more information. For more details on damage calculation, please see Attack Power and Elemental Damage, Raw Base x x 1.05 (Green Level Sharpness)x 1.2 (Blunt Boost with Blunt Kinsect)x 1.3 (Sever Boost with Sever Kinsect)x 1.5 (Kinsect Charge Power)x Monster Hitzonex Motion Valuex Quest Difficultyx Rage Status, Element Base x x 1.00 (Green Level Sharpness)x 1.4 (Element Boost)x 3.5 (Kinsect Charge Power)x Monster Hitzonex Motion Valuex Quest Difficultyx Rage Status. With just over 600 hours on Insect Glaive alone, I would like to clear a bit of information up about its mechanics.With regards to aerial attacks and mounting it's important to understand two things: mounting a monster is a status condition just like blast/paralysis/etc., and elemental damage is a flat amount that is added to every attack before motion values and sharpness modify it.If you're using a raw damage Insect Glaive it's best to stay away from your air combos entirely unless trying to mount, and even then ONLY use your Jumping Slash. Fire a tag from far away. The Grunge Storm is the star of this build as it boasts one of the highest attack powers of the Insect Glaives. If the player has Red Extract, this move will be replaced by the Tornado Slash, If the player has Red Extract, Overhead Smash will be replaced by this move. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective … Restores health. Kinsects can also be upgraded, much the way Weapons are and have their own upgrade trees. Infinite Wisdom . With each buff the duration is increased but, which all three buffs it's still 90s. The weapons use Master Rank Materials that can be obtained by completing quests and doing endgame content. Physical damage dealt by the Kinsect. Collecting red, white, and orange buffs together will create a triple buff state which increases the hunter's power even more. Effects and Hazards, Palico The player can make Vault-related actions while in mid-air. Flammenkaefer+ is an Insect Glaive Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Like all Weapons, it features a unique set of moves and an upgrade path that branches out depending on the materials used. Using a slow kinsect, the kinsect drill that comes after the descending thrust hits more times than a fast one, and on top of that, using a power stat focused insect such as Vezirstag III Forz, the damage of this move is greatly improved. Air attacks should be used to get mounts and to attack while repositioning, if you're not doing those 2 things you should be on the ground. Red + White + Orange (triple buff) = 15% Attack increase + 10% Defense increase. Insect Glaive. I thought I was doing something wrong but nope its actually just that weak does capcom hate it or something? Jumping off again from a monster before you land allows you to perform each action once more. Note that the extract locations are just guidelines: not all monsters have all essence colors available or have them in the same spots. Resources, Environment These combinations are commonly referred to as Double up or Triple up. This is to be kept in mind though, as you can slowly build up mounting damage while still using the high damage combo, and finish with a Y / Triangle attack to start the mounting attempt. Power is second to this, as it increases overall DPS. These rare 9 and above weapons were added with the Iceborne Expansion and can only be obtained by players who own the expansion. Or is it just off of cliffs and such?? The equipped Kinsect will perform homing attacks on the tagged body part, and will collect Extracts automatically. 07: Raw: 70, Elemental: 14, Power/Element Lv. Right now I have Rex-rod I and I'm not sure if I should stick with it until something else pops up. With lesser tiers … Defense Up, Earplugs (resist some monster roars) + White/Orange's effects, Attack Up, Defense Up, Earplugs + Red/White/Orange's effects. Blade, Insect Going from a single Extract to a Double up or a Triple Up will refresh Extract duration. But if you dabble in air attacks, because of the quick, low damage attacks, elemental ends up helping. 15: Raw: 125, Elemental: 23, Power/Element Lv. Insect Glaive is more about finesse and technique rather than brute force. Pole vault into the air to either keep pressing circle/B to rack mostly safe damage and eventually mount by pressing triangle/Y while above your target (Note: mounting a monster has a cooldown from my experience, and it takes like a minute or 2 to remount with another attack) 3. This makes this weapon become the new Raw Damage Insect Glaive despite it’s Dragon Element, the True Raw added with this number damage simply overcomes the 300 Blast Proc from your typical Blast Insect Glaive build. Recall the Kinsect. Four types of essence are available: Red, Orange, White and Green. The insect glaive also allows you to vault, so you can perform jumping attacks at any time. Honestly, It's not that hard to test. This is just my opinion but from what I've seen insect glaive does better with raw or either status effect builds, like for example right now the meta insect Glaive is the the Kjarr Paralysis because of how often it works. This is the only weapon that I use that I am more successful with, I have never lost with this and it never lets me down. For Power: Dragon(7) 150 sec, Piercing(3) 300 sec, Bomb(3) 300 sec, Thorn(2) 300 sec. glove ability "Airborne" give a 10% damage output to the jumping attacks with the glaive? The Insect Glaive (IG) deals damage through a a combination of the Kinsect, a small … Wasn't there supposed to be a combo buff for red and orange, or is it just with white? Deals poison damage to monster when ignited. Edit. Preparation, Gathering The weapons use Master Rank Materials that can be obtained by completing quests and doing endgame content.. Iceborne Insect Glaives The duration for Spirit/Power depend on the slinger ammo and are NOT affected by Power Prolonger. Lasts for 150 seconds. Dust left by Kinsects when they auto attack. By a heavy margin, the single lowest DPS in Iceborne. My glaive's base damage is 620 (Nergal Reaper) but when I attack a monster the damage numbers are always between 10 and 40. Kinsects can be attached to the Insect Glaive to give you more options when facing a monster. 05: Raw: 55, Elemental: 12, Power/Element Lv. Elemental Airborne makes that way more viable. Weapon from the Anjanath Monster; Styled with the Anja Armor … Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the … Still good and very fun tho. Orange = Increases the hunter's defense by 5% and adds knockback resistance while attacking. Beginner Insect Glaive Build(s) - Beotodus Ice Build. The Insect Glaive you want to shoot for is named Catastrophe's Light, with the highest single raw damaging Insect Glaive in the game, and comes with a high Elderseal stat. Gadgets, Boosts Severing damage. You’ll gain the extract’s eff… Not red or orange but pink and I cant find out why or the reason to why it pink st times. Akagami_Shanks 1 year ago #1. This page shows a visual gallery of all different styles for Insect Glaives. Ignite the dust left by Kinsect attacks to deal even more damage. The weapons use Master Rank Materials that can be obtained by completing quests and doing endgame content.. Iceborne Insect Glaives Stay in Red+White Double Up or in Triple Up as much as possible. This weapon has the highest base Blue Sharpness level of any Insect Glaive and a maxed out sharpness gauge, meaning the skill Handicraft has no effect on this weapon. All damage types are dealt independent of each other. Drachen Armor Set! Weapons with the "Spirit & Strength" boost apply both Spirit and Power buffs from any slinger ammo (they share the same duration). 11: Raw: 90, Elemental: 18, Power/Element Lv. Command insects called Kinsects to absorb essence from your prey and buff yourself. If the monster moves away, the Kinsect will still track and attack the tagged body part, but the dust clouds will stay in their original positions. It's a given that you should slot damage skills like crit eye, crit boost, agitator, weakness exploit, attack boost if you can fit it, etc for optimal skill synergy and damage. Lasts for 90 seconds. Small monsters only provide 1 type of Extract, regardless of where the Kinsect hits them. Defender Glaive II is an Insect Glaive Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. This is a list of the best Insect Glaive for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. You can equip your insect glaive with different types of Kinsects. Vault and all Kinsect-related actions are available while standing or in the middle of any combo. Large monsters provide different types of Extract depending on where the Kinsect hits them. You can find detailed upgrade path information in the Insect Glaive Weapon Tree or by clicking each individual weapon below. All the little things matter with the IG to improve overall damage and usability. 03: Raw: 35, Elemental: 10, Power/Element Lv. These attacks will stop when the player Recalls the Kinsect or when it runs out of stamina. Electrorod's raw base damage is 775 plus a good 360 blast damage, making it one of the highest damaging Insect Glaive.. Long White Sharpness Gauge. 20: Raw: 170, Elemental: 35. Adding stam cap up, max level constitution, and stam surge to an IG build is a good way to keep yourself in the air for longer periods of time!! It trades 93 raw damage for 120 Water damage compared to the Hydros Arcana (the Namielle Insect Glaive). Tag an immobilized monster and attack the tagged hitzone to deal additional damage from the Kinsect's homing attack. Use the kinsect to get the extracts from a monster (Red is the most important as it gives new moves and damage) 2. Jumping towards a wall will launch the player upwards. If you’ve been looking into weapons for a while … It gives the user bonuses such as more damage, faster movement and better defense. yesterday was my first day on this game, first weapon was iron bow, hated it, then matched slicers, meh, then katana, not bad, picked up the iron blade/insect glaive, bam I'm in love, this weapon is just so good. Red = Gives access to more powerful versions of your attacks; it's mandatory to have it active at all times. The Insect Glaive has many uses and suits both front-line players and support players. Shield, Hunting You can increase the damage by using elemental boost build up since raw damage on glaive isnt too high (what I recommend. While Triple-Up gives slightly larger buff, it doesn't last as long, thus requiring more Extract maintenance. The Insect Glaive provides the hunter with great mobility and the ability to perform Jumping Attacks even on flat terrain. Iceborne Insect Glaives are Master Rank Insect Glaives in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). 18: Raw: 145, Elemental: 28, Power/Element Lv. Iceborne Insect Glaives are Master Rank Insect Glaives in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW).These rare 9 and above weapons were added with the Iceborne Expansion and can only be obtained by players who own the expansion. Best Insect Glaives Iceborne – Raw Damage. #2. When choosing how to ugrade my Glaive how should go about damage? I chose this weapon so i can spam that "ving" sound when i get red, white and orange. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. And as an aside, elemental damage is most beneficial to an aerial glaive playstyle because more hits. When the player sticks onto a wall, they can Jump (Direction+) or Drop Down (). Vault into the air, … View entire discussion (19 comments) 7.6k The damage on insect glaive is garbage Akagami_Shanks 1 year ago #1 I thought I was doing something wrong but nope its actually just that weak does capcom hate it or something? 01: Raw: 20, Elemental: 8, Power/Element Lv. The Insect Glaive pairs a powerful glaive with Kinsects, insects that harvest extract from monsters to power you up. Sever or blunt isn't an important stat in determining the usefulness of a Kinsect either, simply because it is outweighted by the other statuses. lotlizar 2 years ago #1. Very interesting and cool weapon but the time you spend harvesting buffs and how fast it loses sharpness prevents it from being god tier. Other interesting facts about th… The techniques are not limited to just attacking, however, as the rod can also be used to perform tricky maneuvers like pole vaulting to gain a high-ground advantage, or for evasive purposes. Dust: Poison. While the aerial attacks deal pretty low damage (except for Descending Thrust), they can be used to evade sweeping attacks, reposition or chase down a monster, making it one of the most mobile weapons in the game. By aiming with your Insect Glaive, and using the right Kinsects, it’s possible to deal ranged damage to enemies. The Insect Glaive is a fast, fluid weapon with a unique aerial moveset. 1*/2* – Defender Glaive V. The set can be used through all MR story campaign as long as you upgrade your weapon Replace Crisis/Expert with any Expert or x/Expert deco you have If you unlocked HR augments, use Affinity + Health. I'm pretty new to this weapon (and this game). Kulve Taroth Insect Glaive. The IG may seem like a complex weapon to use at first, but it can be simplified in a quick three steps: 1. Insect glaive does far more damage when on the ground. Only works on Kinsects that deal Blunt damage, Boosts Elemental damage dealt by the Kinsect, Boosts health recovered from Green Extract. Safi'jiiva Weapons. On the ground, the Insect Glaive has rapid combos with good range that can be interrupted to dodge the monster. Please see Kinsect for information on your companion insects. It's also important to note that essences are also available from small monsters as well. NEW INSANELY HIGH DAMAGE INSECT GLAIVE BUILD! while Power (kinsect damage up) comes from slinger ammo obtained from monster drops (piercing, bomb, etc.). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Monster body parts can be tagged with a Kinsect (Mark Target) or a Kinsect (Fire). Weapons are often upgraded based on previous decisions, with different paths leading to different looks and necessitating different materials. The damage varies a lot when using insect glaive but once you get the build, it will mostly stay in range of 20-90 hitting crit spots. While you’re fighting in close range you can also achieve the same result by marking a target. 09: Raw: 80, Elemental: 16, Power/Element Lv. With a higher sharpness gauge, you will be able to deal more damage to monsters, and sharpen your weapon less! Red is the essential attack buff, white is movement speed, orange is defense and green is healing. In the context of this sub, where people look to maximize efficiency, wounding with wex gives you the most damage in all IG styles as far as I know. 10: Raw: 85, Elemental: 17, Power/Element Lv. Easy white and Master's Touch, it's fun, I can't say … Power/Element Lv. So as I'm in the middle of a battle my insect g. Sword bar fills up and glows pink. It is great against monsters such as Alatreon that has clear openings for your DT, and in this particular fight, it is possible to even use a non-elemental weapon and let your kinsect clear the elemental DPS check with only the kinsect elemental damage. The Insect Glaive (IG) deals damage through a a combination of the Kinsect, a small flying insect that harvests Extracts from monsters to buff the player, and the Glaive, a fluid, fast-attacking staff-like weapon. 06: Raw: 60, Elemental: 13, Power/Element Lv. There are different types of Kinsect Bonus that affects each status, for more information please check Kinsect Bonus. Stats + Showcase. Keep in mind however, that your weapon raw attack and elemental boost skills such as Ice Attack does not change your kinsect elemental or raw damage, kinsects cannot crit either, so skills like Critical Eye, Critical Boost, Weakness Exploit will not increase your overall DPS on a Kinsect Only build.Speed is widely considered to be the best Kinsect stat, since it allows Extracts to be retrieved quicker and prevent the Hunter from having to waste time and DPS missing their Kinsect. I need a boost... *shoots kinsect target* *monster moves* -_-, For other defensive maneuvers vaulting works too. These allow you to attack from range, buff your character, deal AoE damage, and more! Your Advancing Slash is only useful for stacking elemental damage or focusing damage at the wings/tail as the only part of the attack that even affects mount buildup is the final bounce at the end. Cool technique that's been around since the start of Iceborne that not a lot of people know about. Because Red Extract strengthens attacks, keeping Red Extract active is important for increasing damage. Water Insect Glaives don’t have quite the spread as some other elements in this weapon class. Kinsect Essences can change how you use your glaive and is essential for maximizing output. Monsters, Trapping and However, Insect Glaive can also vault to launch itself in the air, which allows it to have access to its jumping attacks without the help of the environment. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but our last two… For those wondering about Kinsect Charge (Spirit/Power), Spirit (stamina and +50% extract duration, stacks with Power Prolonger for max 189sec) comes from slinger ammo obtained from the environment (stone, redpit, etc.) Its for every hit and since IG hits super fast, it will do tons of damage. Defense, Understanding Iceborne Insect Glaives are Master Rank Insect Glaives in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW).These rare 9 and above weapons were added with the Iceborne Expansion and can only be obtained by players who own the expansion. The Shara Ishvalda Insect Glaives gives you 868 Damage and 0% Affinity right off the bat. Insect Glaives are a type of Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Firedance Rathmaul - 190 Raw + 180 Fire. Attack Enemies; Harvest Extract To Buff Character; Leave Behind Dust Clouds; Kinsects Can Be Bought From The Smithy 19: Raw: 155, Elemental: 30, Power/Element Lv. I use my insect g. During battle and at times my sword bar fills up pink. If ths dust cloud is hit by the player or friendly fire, it explodes and deals damage to the monster. Replace with Kadachi Vipertail I once you reach 2* for a damage upgrade. Combining different Extracts provide additional effects. Beginner Insect Glaive Builds - Iceborne … Please see Weapon Mechanics for details on the basics of your hunter tools. If the last hit lands, then a Vaulting Dance will be automatically performed. Most fun weapon, not too complex once you know the main parts, and forgiving. When Red Extract is active on the player, certain moves will be replaced by their stronger counterpart. NO where on the internet tells what it actually does. When the Kinsect lands an attack, a small dust cloud will be left behind. List Of Kinsect Usage In Fights. A 300 sec long Spirit buff can be achieved with the Spirit & Strength boost on your glaive. Severing/Blunt. Extract buffs are applied when the Kinsect returns to the player. Each move has its own Motion Value (MV), which is used when calculating Raw (physical) Damage. Insect Glaive is more about finesse and technique rather than brute force. Tiers … True Fatalis Dyaus the Fatalis Insect Glaive does far more damage when on the internet what... 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