Jaundice. Vomiting of mucus, of food, or bile, with excessive nausea. Respiration; irregular, difficult, slow, deep or performed by frequent deep sighs; sometimes stops on dropping off into sleep. Prickling pain in the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. Pulse irregular, intermitting. Lower Limbs. Nocturnal swelling of the right hand and of the fingers. Smarting in the chest on coughing. 1877. having produced severe urethritis, phimosis, and strangury. Shooting and tearing colic, with inclination to vomit, especially during movement and expiration. Digitalis lanata is the major source of digoxin in the US. Lugt, C. B. and Noordhoek-Ananias, L. Quantitative fluorimetric determination of the main cardiac glycosides in Digitalis purpurea leaves. Tearfulness, low-spirited. Peculiar sensation as though heart standing still, single, violent, slow heart-beats, with sudden violent heat in occiput, and transient unconsciousness (the whole lasting only a moment). Dropsy. Respiratory Organs. Every shock, like bad news strikes her in the epigastrium. Burning in the stomach, extending up to the esophagus. In the morning, suffocating constriction of the chest, forcing the patient to rise up in the bed. Otalgia, with tensive and contractive pains in the ears. Flabby, œdematous swelling all over ; with fluttering, weak pulse, cold legs. Ulcer on the tongue. Smarting lachrymation, increased by a bright light, and by cold air. Excessive jaundice, with slow, weak heart, and ashy-white stools. Shootings in the eyes. For most of the 1800s, digitalis was used to treat a wide variety of diseases and disorders. Delirium tremens in high livers, stomach and liver diseases with the mental state of the drug. Homeopathic remedy used for Worry. Irregular and intermittent pulse. Origin Native to western Europe, and cultivated in India, southern and central Europe, Norway, Madeira, and the Azores. Eruptions, with gnawing itching in the cheeks and in the chin. Contractive tense pain in the hypochondria. Sudden cracking in the head (during a siesta) with starting, as in a fright. Coldness of the body, often with cold sweat, especially on the forehead or one side of the body only. t. Act on base of brain, Lob., Tab. Meningitis. Generalities. डिजिटेलिस – Digitalis Purpurea In Hindi. Vomiting of food on expectorating. Lassitude, mental and bodily. Tongue loaded with white mucus (morning). LEHMANN, MEYER, E.F. RUCKERT, STAPF, TEUTHORN. The cough is caused by talking, walking, drinking anything cold, when bending the body forward. Palpitation with diarrhea, Ant. Skin. Nocturnal delirium and agitation. Convulsive retchings. Dropsical swellings of internal and external parts. Asthma. After a meal, pressure and inflation of the abdomen and of the stomach. Relations. Digitalis purpurea was prescribed to any patient with a racing heart or who had anything in the heart. Burning pain and pressure above the eyes, with confused sight. (genital symptoms), Spig., Sulph., Tab. DIGITALIS PURPUREA- digitalis pellet Out of scope - Out of scope for RxNorm and will not receive RxNorm normal forms. Worse From touch or pressure. Compare: Acon. Vomitings and nausea, with fullness and pressure on the epigastrium. Paraphimosis. Stitches in the temples (evening and night). Troublesome choking sensation with cough, mostly at night, and on physical exertion. Kent : This drug, as used by the Old School, has caused more damage than any other of its Materia Medica. Cactus Grandiflorus. Wetting the bed at night. Dry cough, with pains in the shoulders and arms. Leaves and all other parts of the plant are poisonous and are not be used directly. Dropsical swelling of genitals. The name Digitalis is derived from ‘digitus’, a finger because of the finger shaped corolla. Pulse small, weak, and excessively slow (especially when at rest, every other beat intermits), but accelerated by the slightest movement. Neck and Back. Contact Us. Headache. Available 6X-30X, 3C-30C, 200C, 1M-100M, 30C, 200CH Sudden prostration of strength, as if about to faint, with general perspiration. Many potencies available. If you liked the information on this page you may also enjoy our regular newsletter, full of information, news, discounts, and offers. Hissing before the ears, like boiling water (with hardness of hearing). Upper Limbs. Digitalis purpurea. Homeopathy can play a significant role in the management of these disorders. View abstract. Amaurosis. Faintness or sinking at the stomach; feels as if he would die if he moved. Common Name(s) Common foxglove, purple foxglove. Sensation of weakness in the stomach, as if life would be extinguished, especially immediately after a meal. As if heart stood still, as if heart had torn itself loose and were swaying to and fro by a thin thread, as if the stomach would sink into abdomen. … Gloomy and peevish. Digitalis Purpurea Digitalis Purpurea homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Digitalis Purpurea from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen..... Frederick H. Lutze Dr Frederick Henry Lutze, MD, (1838-1924) was born in Bevergern, Germany, August 19, 1838, son of Henry Andrew and Clara (Gott) Lutze. Remorse. are: Sensation as if the heart would stand still if he moved, must hold the breath and keep still (Gels. STAGES AND STATES Sensation or retraction in the stomach. Congestion in the chest. Attacks of great debility, especially after breakfast and dinner. Great appetite for bitter things. COMMON NAME: Night-blooming cereus, Queen of the Night, Large-flowered … Background Drowsiness in the day, and somnolency interrupted by fits of convulsive vomiting. t. (deathly nausea), Apoc., Ars., Bell., Bry., Camph., Chi., Con., Zinc., Kalm., Lach. Great sensitiveness to cold air, cold weather, changes of weather, cold food, cold drinks, all of which worse. Coldness of the feet. Retention of urine. Fox-glove. Heart so weak that even sitting up in bed has caused fatal syncope. Cramp-like tension in the groins. Dullness of the head, with limited power of thinking. Mouth and Throat. Copious nocturnal perspiration, preceded sometimes by shivering and shuddering, with internal heat (beginning with coldness of the extremities, from them extending over the whole body), during the day. Anxiety as if conscience-troubled. Heart, affections of. In gonorrhea, Sulph. Dr. Reckeweg Digitalis Purpurea. Involuntary emission of urine. Urinary Organs. Paralytic pullings, and tearings in the arms. Planta Med 1974;25(3):267-273. Cramp-like and drawing pains in the cheek-bones. Faintness and debility, with perspiration. Causation. Weakness of memory. In a room, lachrymation is worse. Regulates BP, effective in Palpitation, Anxiety & Difficult Breathing. It has proved a very dangerous remedy, but it has been used by homeopaths with very good effect in senile pneumonia (E. V. Inflammation of the neck of the bladder. THE ESSENTIAL FEATURES. Sight confused, as if directed through a mist. by William BOERICKE, M.D. Feeling of slight confusion of heat, especially on moving, with painful sensation of weakness in wrist and forearms. Nausea, as if he would die with it, continuous, and not relieved by vomiting. Contractive pain in the chest, when sitting with the body bent. As a result it is used homeopathically as a ‘similar’ to treat an abnormally slow heart beat. (jaundice). Ross., H. P., xvii. Swelling in the feet, by day only (diminished at night). Prostate enlarged. Remedies by Medicines. Today I'll be talking about homeopathy medicine Digitalis Purpurea , its symptoms and uses. Clammy taste. Gray nodosities. Fits of excessive weakness especially after breakfast and dinner. Sudden sensation as though heart stood still, with great anxiety and necessity for holding breath, after dinner, must keep perfectly still. Blueness of skin, eyelids; lips, tongue; cyanosis. Clinical. Dropsy of internal and external parts. Terrible pain at root of nose after vomiting. Gulping up of an acrid or tasteless fluid. Coryza, with hoarseness. plenty of resonance in the upper portion. Distended veins on lids, ears, lips and tongue. Vomiting in the morning (of the ingesta, of a green liquid), or at night. Digitalis purpurea has caused more deaths than any other drug. Prostate, enlarged. Shifting pains in heart. Heat of one hand and coldness of the other. Shootings in the pit of the stomach, extending to the sides and the back. Digitalis is suited to the climacteric period: sudden flushes of heat followed by great debility, least motion causes palpitation. Spasmodic constriction of throat. Nausea, with inclination to vomit, moral dejection and inquietude. Every shock strikes in pit of stomach, Phos., Mez., Kali-c., Calc. At night, half-asleep with agitation. Digitalis leaf has a narrow therapeutic index, requiring close medical supervision for safe use. Cramp-like pains in the stomach, sometimes with nausea and vomiting, mitigated by eructations. Great stiffness in the legs after being seated, which abates when walking. Tincture of the second year leaves. Dull uneasiness in various parts of heart region, with sensation of weakness in forearm. MIND Code of Conduct Bitterness in the mouth. Cracking in head, Aloe. Torpor and disposition to numbness of the fingers. Incisive pain in the thigh, and burning sensation in the calf of the leg, on crossing the legs. Jaundice. Sharp, shooting frontal pain, extending into nose, after drinking cold water or eating ice-cream. Coldness in the hands and in the feet (with cold perspiration). Allopathically, which treats by ‘opposites’, it is used as digoxin for fibrillation (when chambers of the heart beat rapidly). (Nymphomania. Stomach. Digitalis purpurea, known commonly as foxglove, is a flowering plant native to most parts of Europe. Digitalis is a useful medicine when there is a filling up of the lower part of the lungs. Vertigo with trembling. Sensation of soreness in the chest. Pressure in the forehead, from mental exertion. Digitalis purpurea. Sensibility, and pressive pains, in the region of the liver. Digitalis purpurea. Deathly sinking in the epigastrium. Dropsical swelling of the abdomen. Perspiration generally at night, cold and clammy. Aconitum Napellus Kit Refill. With fear of suffocation there is desire for open air, and the symptoms of catarrh are better in open air. Bluish swelling of the lips. Tincture from the leaves of the second year of the plant. Homeopathy Biocyclopedia × Search KnowHomeopathy. Indisposed to speak, inclination to lassitude. Spermatorrhea. Presented by Médi-T. DIGITALIS PURPUREA. Uneasy sleep at night on account of constant desire to urinate. Eruptions on the lips. Tincture from the leaves of the second year of the plant. Common Name(s) Common foxglove, purple foxglove. Digitalis . Coldness of the hands. Tense and painful swellings, especially of the limbs. Privacy Policy Testes: bruise-like pain in, swelling of. Ross., H. P., xvii. Digitalis purpurea has caused more deaths than any other drug . Uneasy, unrefreshing sleep. Digitalis has been used in medicine since the sixteenth century. Sharp pain in left shoulder and arm, tingling in arm and fingers, with heart affection. Chest. [The proving in the Fragmenta was made with the expressed juice of the leaves. Gouty nodosities. Want of appetite, sometimes even with a clean tongue. Desquamation of the skin from the whole body. Inflammatory redness of the conjunctiva and of the eyelids, with swelling, and sensation as if sand were introduced into the eyes. - (Restores normal rhythm in auricular fibrillation, often supplements the action of Digitalis. Diminution of the secretion of urine, sometimes alternating with abundant emission. Digitalis Purpurea homeopathy medicine, complete details of homeopathic remedy Digitalis Purpurea from Keynotes and Characteristics by H C Allen… Digitalis Purpurea has Sudden flushes of heat, followed by great nervous weakness and irregular intermitting pulse, occurring at the climacteric; < … Tearful moroseness, with sensation of internal uneasiness. There are three main symptoms in the Digitalis pathogenesis which should be borne in mind: (I) Slow, weak, irregular and intermittent pulse. The food eaten comes up by mouthfuls, cannot expectorate without vomiting. Options. Although its use for the treatment of heart failure has been traced back to 10th century Europe, digitalis was not widely used for this indication until its scientific investigation by British physician William Withering in the late 1700s. While in a recumbent position the urine can be retained for a longer time. (2) Enlarged, sore, painful liver. 1886 Publishers: AJ.Tafel Cough, after a meal, with vomiting of food. Dropsy. Profuse flow of frothy saliva compelling to spit all the time. "Anxious and concentrated sadness, with sleeplessness at night, owing to pains at the heart: for instance, from unhappy love, especially in women of brown complexions, firm and obstinate dispositions. Cough worse at midnight and during the morning hours. Two doses of 3 grains each, three hours apart - if no symptoms of cinchonism develop, 4 doses 6 grs. Antidoted by: Vegetable acids, Vinegar, infusion of galls, Ether, Camphor, Serpentaria. N.O. Dosing. Digitalis purpurea, chiefly acts on heart, derived from common Fox-glove, flowering plant native to the temperate region of Europe.In allopathy, Digitalis purpurea is used as digoxin in condition of atrial fibrillation, rapid heart beat. Shootings in the temples and in the forehead, sometimes extending to the point of the nose, especially after drinking anything cold. Symptoms are better when stomach is empty, worse after meals, from cold diet, after drinking (anything), worse from spirituous liquors. Sensation on stooping, as if the brain were falling forwards. Diplopia. Sweetish and fetid saliva. Ross., H. P., xvii. Memory lost. Oppression, must breathe deeper. Chilliness with heat and redness of face. Homeopathic remedies are known to be effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, either as a curative or as a preventive prescription. digitalis purpurea 0 1,307 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ WhatsApp LINE Viber Pinterest Linkedin ReddIt Tumblr Telegram StumbleUpon VK Digg OK.ru BlackBerry Print Email Chemicals taken from foxglove are used to make a prescription drug called digoxin. Constantine Hering. Nausea in the morning, on waking. ₹ 125.00 – ₹ 255.00. Stool and Anus. Appetite. Digitalis Purpurea Pills. Hydrocele. Nausea and vomiting during a meal. GENERALITIES Pupils insensible and dilated. Characteristics. Stiffness and tension of the muscles of the neck and of the nape of the neck. Bruise-like pains in the loins on blowing the nose. Digitalis purpurea was prescribed to any patient with a racing heart or who had anything in the heart. Kent : This drug, as used by the Old School, has caused more damage than any other of its Materia Medica. Lascivious fancies day and night. Swelling of the parotids, and behind the ear. Digitalis purpurea. Retention of stool, prolonged constipation. Digitalis has long been used as a treatment for heart failure in addition to a range of other traditional uses. DIGITALIN has been proved separately from the Digitalis. Tension in the ham. Digitalis, during its homeopathic provings slowed the pulse rate of those who took it. Sudden and paralytic stiffness in the fingers. Roughness, excoriation and scraping in the mouth and throat, with clammy taste. The head is constantly inclined backwards. Fainting before stool, Sulph. Obscuration of the sight and complete blindness, as from amaurosis. The patient is sitting up in bed, and there is dullness in the lower part of each lung and. Homeopathic Digitalis Purpurea - EYES indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. Illusion of the sight. Penetrating pains, and painful weariness in the joints, as after great fatigue. Sexual Organs. Indicated for Worry. N. O. Scrophulariaceae. Pyrosis. Abdomen. HAHNEMANN was assisted in this proving by BECHER , FRANZ , GROSS, HORNBURG, LANGHAMMER, J.G. Subscribe here. ... digitalis 30 digitalis 30 in hindi digitalis materia medica digitalis purpurea medicinal uses in hindi homeopathic heart remedies in hindi homeopathic medicine for high pulse rate. (Hydrocephalus, sensation as if waves or water were beating on the skull, worse while standing, talking, shaking the head and bending the head backward, better when lying down or bending the head forward.) Thirst especially for acid drinks. Incisive pains in the urethra, before and after the urinary discharge. Indifference. Along with these is prostration from slight exertion. Much phlegm in the larynx, which is detached by a slight cough. Fox-glove. Anxiety, with great fear for the future, worse at 6 P.M. TISSUES Phantoms, visions, and the colors of the rainbow before the eyes. Jerking pressure in the head, especially during intellectual labor. One hand cold, the other hot, Chi., Puls., Ip., Mosch. Lungs, congestion of. The foxglove. digitalis purpurea 0 1,307 Share Facebook Twitter Google+ WhatsApp LINE Viber Pinterest Linkedin ReddIt Tumblr Telegram StumbleUpon VK Digg OK.ru BlackBerry Print Email During the climacteric, sudden flushes of heat followed by great debility, irregular pulse ; least motion brings on palpitation. Digitalis is used by conventional medicine as chemical Digoxin (Lanoxin) to slow a rapidly beating heart that is in atrial fibrillation. Digitalis, during its homeopathic provings slowed the pulse rate of those who took it. It is the original source of the heart medicine digoxin, (also called digitalis or digitalin). Charitable Solicitations Registration Tearing in temples and sides of the head. Chronic or persistent complaints, which may or may not be mentioned above, require a different treatment and dosage protocol so are best managed by a qualified homeopath for good results. (After stool, Nux-v., Crot-t.). Digitalis purpurea. Foxglove. Worse From music, sadness from music. The use of Digitalis as a remedy for pneumonia in the old school is well known. DIGITALIS PURPUREA Foxglove (DIGITALIS) Comes into play in all diseases where the heart is primarily involved, where the pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow, and dropsy of external and internal parts. DIGITALIS contains among other ingredients two substances, one known as DIGITALIN, the other as DIGITOXIN. Alcohol. This will help you find the right search result even faster. As a result it is used homeopathically as a ‘similar’ to treat an abnormally slow heart beat. In such cases far preferable to Ignatia" (Teste). Frequent emission of small quantities of water-colored urine. Incompatible: Chin. While above self-limiting or acute complaints are suitable for home treatment, see your healthcare provider if symptoms worsen or fail to improve. Urinary flux. Fever. Cuttings, as from a chill, or a diarrhea. Convulsions. It was used as a specific heart remedy before Hehnemann by the orthodox system of medicine. Emaciation. N. O. Scrophulariaceae. Swelling of the cheek, with pain on being touched. Privacy Policy Contact US perspiration ) night ) is a useful medicine when there dullness. At heart, coming on every fifteen minutes, lasting only five or six each! Contractive pains in the brain were falling from a height or into water ) determination of the plant far... Cold water or eating ice-cream heart or who had anything in the morning school is known!, particularly at the eyelids, with painful sensation of weakness in the head, syncope and. On dropping off into sleep mixed with mucus, of food, seated... For open air with great fear for the future by swelling of the conjunctiva of! 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